Thursday, September 3, 2020

Microprocessor and Interfacing free essay sample

Peripherals and Interfacing PIO 8255 The equal information yield port chip 8255 is additionally called as programmable fringe input-yield port. The Intel’s 8255 is intended for use with Intel’s 8-piece, 16-piece and higher capacity microchips. It has 24 info/yield lines which might be exclusively modified in two gatherings of twelve lines each, or three gatherings of eight lines. The two gatherings of I/O pins are named as Group An and Group B. Every one of these two gatherings contains a subgroup of eight I/O lines called as 8-piece port and another subgroup of four lines or a 4-piece port. In this way Group A contains a 8-piece port An alongside a 4-piece port. C upper. PIO 8255 †¢ The port A lines are recognized by images PA0-PA7 while the port C lines are distinguished as PC4-PC7. Essentially, GroupB contains a 8-piece port B, containing lines PB0-PB7 and 4-piece port C with lower bits PC0-PC3. We will compose a custom paper test on Chip and Interfacing or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The port C upper and port C lower can be utilized in blend as a 8-bitport C. †¢ Both the port C are alloted a similar location. Along these lines one may have either three 8-piece I/O ports or two 8-piece and two 4-piece ports from 8255. These ports can work freely either as information or as yield ports. This can be accomplished by programming the bits of an inside register of 8255 called as control word register ( CWR ). PIO 8255 †¢ The interior square graph and the pin setup of 8255 are appeared in fig. †¢ The 8-piece information transport support is constrained by the read/compose control rationale. The read/compose control rationale deals with the entirety of the inward and outside exchanges of the two information and control words. †¢ RD, WR, A1, A0 and RESET are the sources of info gave by the microchip to the READ/WRITE control rationale of 8255. The 8-piece, 3-state bidirectional cradle is utilized to interface the 8255 inward information transport with the outside framework information transport. PIO 8255 †¢ This cushion gets or transmits information upon the execution of info or yield directions by the microchip. The control words or status data is additionally moved through the support. †¢ The sign portrayal of 8255 are quickly introduced as follows : †¢ PA7-PA0: These are eight port A lines that goes about as either locked yield or supported information lines relying on the control word stacked into the control word register. †¢ PC7-PC4 : Upper snack of port C lines. They may go about as either yield hooks or information supports lines. PIO 8255 This port likewise can be utilized for age of handshake lines in mode 1 or mode 2. †¢ PC3-PC0 : These are the lower port C lines, different subtleties are equivalent to PC7-PC4 lines. †¢ PB0-PB7 : These are the eight port B lines which are utilized as locked yield lines or supported info lines similarly as port A. †¢ RD : This is the info line driven by the microchip and ought to be low to demonst rate read activity to 8255. †¢ WR : This is an info line driven by the chip. A low on this line demonstrates compose activity. PIO 8255 †¢ CS : This is a chip select line. In the event that this line goes low, it empowers the 8255 to react to RD and WR signals, in any case RD and WR signal are disregarded. †¢ A1-A0 : These are the location input lines and are driven by the chip. These lines A1-A0 with RD, WR and CS from the accompanying tasks for 8255. These location lines are utilized for tending to any of the four registers, I. e. three ports and a control word register as given in table beneath. †¢ if there should be an occurrence of 8086 frameworks, if the 8255 is to be interfaced with lower request information transport, the A0 and A1 pins of 8255 are associated with A1 and A2 separately. RD 0 RD 1 RD X 1 WR 1 WR 0 WR X 1 CS 0 CS 0 CS 1 0 A1 0 1 A1 0 1 A1 X A0 0 1 0 1 A0 0 1 0 1 A0 X Input (Read) cycle Port A to Data transport Port B to Data transport Port C to Data transport CWR to Data transport Output (Write) cycle Data transport to Port A Data transport to Port B Data transport to Port C Data transport to CWR Function Data transport tristated Data transport tristated Control Word Register PIO 8255. †¢ D0-D7 : These are the information transport lines those convey information or control word to/from the microchip. †¢ RESET : A rationale high on this line clears the control word register of 8255. All ports are set as info ports naturally after reset. Square Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) †¢ 1. 2. 3. 4. †¢ It has a 40 pins of 4 gatherings. Information transport support Read Write control rationale Group An and Group B controls Port A, B and C Data transport cradle: This is a tristate bidirectional cushion used to interface the 8255 to framework databus. Information is transmitted or gotten by the cradle on execution of info or yield guidance by the CPU. Control word and status data are additionally moved through this unit. †¢ Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) Peruse/Write control rationale: This unit acknowledges control signals ( RD, WR ) and furthermore contributions from address transport and issues orders to singular gathering of control squares ( Group A, Group B). †¢ It has the accompanying pins. a) CS Chipselect : A low on this PIN empowers the correspondence among CPU and 8255. b) RD (Read) A low on this pin empowers the CPU to peruse the information in the ports or the status word through information transport cushion. †¢ Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) WR ( Write ) : A low on this pin, the CPU can compose information on to the ports or on to the control register through the information transport support. ) RESET: A high on this pin clears the control register and all ports are set to the info mode e) A0 and A1 ( Address pins ): These pins related to RD and WR pins control the determination of one of the 3 ports. †¢ Group An and Group B controls : These square get control from the CPU and issues ord ers to their separate ports. c) Block Diagram of 8255 (Architecture) ( cont.. ) †¢ Group A PA and PCU ( PC7 - PC4) †¢ Group B PCL ( PC3 PC0) †¢ Control word register must be composed into no read activity of the CW register is permitted. a) Port A: This has a 8 piece locked/cradled O/P and 8 piece input hook. It tends to be modified in 3 modes mode 0, mode 1, mode 2. b) Port B: This has a 8 piece locked/cushioned O/P and 8 piece input hook. It very well may be customized in mode 0, mode1. Square Diagram of 8255 (Architecture). c) Port C : This has a 8 piece locked input cushion and 8 piece out put hooked/support. This port can be partitioned into two 4 piece ports and can be utilized as control signals for port An and port B. it tends to be modified in mode 0. Methods of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ These are two essential methods of activity of 8255. I/O mode and Bit Set-Reset mode (BSR). †¢ In I/O mode, the 8255 ports fill in as programmable I/O ports, while in BSR mode just port C (PC0-PC7) can be utilized to set or reset its individual port bits. †¢ Under the I/O method of activity, further there are three methods of activity of 8255, in order to help various sorts of utilizations, mode 0, mode 1 and mode 2. Methods of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ BSR Mode: In this mode any of the 8-bits of port C can be set or reset contingent upon D0 of the control word. The bit to be set or reset is chosen by bit select banners D3, D2 and D 1 of the CWR as given in table. I/O Modes : a) Mode 0 ( Basic I/O mode ): This mode is likewise called as essential information/yield mode. This mode gives straightforward information and yield capacities utilizing every one of the three ports. Information can be basically perused from and kept in touch with the info and yield ports separately, after suitable initialisation. D3 0 1 D2 0 1 0 1 D1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Selected bits of port C D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 BSR Mode : CWR Format PA 8 2 5 PCU PCL PA6 PA7 PC4 PC7 PC0-PC3 PB PB0 PB7 8 2 5 PA PCU PCL PB PA PC PB0 PB7 All Output Port An and Port C going about as O/P. Port B going about as I/P Mode 0 Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. ) †¢ 1. The notable highlights of this mode are as recorded beneath: Two 8-piece ports ( port An and port B )and two 4-piece ports (port C upper and lower ) are accessible. The two 4-piece ports can be combinedly utilized as a third 8-piece port. Any port can be utilized as an information or yield port. Yield ports are hooked. Information ports are not hooked. A limit of four ports are accessible with the goal that general 16 I/O setup are conceivable. Every one of these modes can be chosen by programming a register inward to 8255 known as CWR. 2. 3. 4. †¢ Modes of Operation of 8255 (cont.. †¢ The control word register has two arrangements. The primary organization is substantial for I/O methods of activity, I. e. modes 0, mode 1 and mode 2 while the subsequent organization is legitimate for bit set/reset (BSR) method of activity. These arrangements are appeared in following fig. D7 1 D6 X D5 X D4 X D3 D2 D1 D0 0-Reset 0-for BS R mode Bit select banners D3, D2, D1 are from 000 to 111 for bits PC0 TO PC71-Set I/O Mode Control Word Register Format and BSR Mode Control Word Register Format PA3 PA2 PA1 PA0 RD CS GND A1 A0 PC7 PC6 PC5 PC4 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 PB0 PB1 PB2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 0 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 WR Reset D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Vcc PB7 PB6 PB5 PB4 PB3 8255A Pin Configuration = D0-D7 CS RESET 8255A A0 A1 RD PA0-PA7 PC4-PC7 PC0-PC3 PB0-PB7 Vcc WR GND Signals of 8255 3 Group A control 1 D0-D7 Data transport Buffer 8 piece int information transport 4 Group A Port A(8) PA0-PA7 Group A Port C upper(4) Group B Port C Lower(4) PC7-PC4 PC0-PC3 2 RD WR A0 A1 RESET CS Block Diagram of 8255 READ/WRITE Control Logic Group B control PB7-PB0 Group B Port B(8) D7 D6 D5 Mode for Port A D4 PA D3 PC U D2 Mode for PB D1 PB D0 PC L Mode Set banner 1-dynamic 0-BSR mode Group A 1 Input PC u 0 Output 1 Input PA 0 Output 00 mode 0 Mode 01 mode 1 Select of PA 10 mode 2 Group B PCL PB Mode Select 1 Input 0 Output 1 Input 0 Output 0 mode-

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How To Set Deadlines To Make Your Team More Efficient

The most effective method to Set Deadlines To Make Your Team More Efficient Youre blogging for evident reasons: Yourâ blog is an extremely amazing asset. On one hand, it goes about as a SEO apparatus to bring your business site more traffic, while on the other, it gives valuable data that sets up your image and construct trust. Also, that helps transform your perusers into paying clients. However, blog entries are contained different segments, so they require various individuals or for one individual to wear numerous caps all together for the correct watchwords, thoughts, content, pictures, and promoting to meet up and workâ as a strong unit. So how to set cutoff times and work as a shared group to make amazing substance is a test. Yet, heres precisely how you can shake a substance creation process that works for your group from how to set cutoff times and assignâ roles to really creatingâ the collective blog entry. Step by step instructions to Set Deadlines To Make You (And Your Team) More Efficient by means of @titanwebagency1. Build up Blogging Goals And Guidelines Before you begin blogging, you have to set up objectives for your blogging group so they make them direct rules that will educate their work. What do you would like to achieve with your blog? A few instances of good objectives for a blog are: Increment natural traffic to site as a feature of an extensive substance promoting effort. Construct your organization’s notoriety as a confided in wellspring of data in your industry. Interface with potential clients in your intended interest group. Make unique material to distribute to web based life outlets. Notwithstanding building up some wide objectives, for example, getting more Web traffic, you ought to likewise have some particular blogging rules for your group. A few instances of these might include: What number of words each post ought to have. What number of connections/pictures/catchphrase utilizes/and so forth each post ought to have. How frequently blog entries should be distributed (article schedule). Where to discover proper pictures for the blog. Composing tone/punctuation/style rules. Data about the intended interest group you are composing for. By setting up objectives and rules for your blog, you make an establishment that will help shape your blog and guarantee that all colleagues are on the same wavelength. On the off chance that everybody in the group comprehends what you would like to achieve with your blog and how you need them to do it, this will dispense with the requirement for broad revising, altering, and different issues not far off. Begin #blogging by transforming your objectives into #blog posts. #contentmarketing2. Ensure Everyone Knows Their Role At the point when you envision how a blog entry is made, you may think about a solitary individual, composing endlessly in isolation the blogger. Nonetheless, compelling business blog entries regularly require a few people to cooperate in a community domain. For the most part, it’s best for the jobs to be part between a few people, however here and there one (extremely occupied!) individual may satisfy all jobs. Here are some of run of the mill jobs that go into blog entry creation: Undertaking director: This individual relegates all assignments and sets cutoff times. Subject and watchword generator: This individual is liable for discovering blog points and doing examination to decide the best catchphrases and title to utilize. This individual may likewise be the task administrator. Content author: This individual is liable for composing the substance, which should consolidate the thoughts, watchwords, title, and so forth., as given to them by the venture director or subject/catchphrase generator. Content editorial manager: This individual checks and fixes the content’s language before the post is distributed. Picture discoverer and blog distributer: The going with pictures (and picture labels) are fundamental for a decent blog entry. Somebody must be answerable for finding these pictures and making sure about the important copyrights. This equivalent individual is regularly additionally responsible for really posting the blog (commonly utilizing a substance the board system like WordPress) and ensuring everything looks as it should. Advertiser: A blog entry isn't worth a lot if nobody ever understands it. Somebody needs to advance your blog via web-based networking media, presenting joins on it across various destinations and web-based social networking stages. These advertising group jobs may contrast to some degree starting with one group then onto the next, however the fact of the matter is that everybody included is answerable for a specific assignment so nothing gets left by the wayside. Ensure everybody associated with #blogging is answerable for a specific undertaking so nothing is missed.It’s additionally acceptable to have colleagues that can satisfy different jobs if necessary. For instance, if your fundamental essayist is away multi week, the manager ought to have the option to step in and satisfy her job. 3. Set Deadlines Your Team Can-And Will-Actually Meet Everything youve done as such far-defining objectives, rules, and jobs has paved the way to how to set cutoff times that are reasonable and reachable for your group. When everybody realizes their job in making a blog entry, you have to set cutoff times to ensure each colleague really finishes their doled out errand, and that they do as such in an auspicious issue. All things considered, you ought to distribute another blog entry each one to about fourteen days, so practicality is vital. In today’s for the most part virtual working environment, the most ideal approach to set cutoff times and ensure everybody is on task is by usingâ a venture the executives instrument like . With , you can deal with all correspondences in regards to the blog in one spot, and guarantee all undertakings and subtasks are finished on schedule. assists groups with teaming up on content promoting ventures like blogging, internet based life, and occasions. The apparatus permits groups to appoint various undertakings to different individuals taking a shot at a given task, while limiting the utilization of email. You can use to allocate undertakings and cutoff times to your whole team. This is a genuine case of the work process we use at ! In view of job, you can redo your work process, set cutoff times for each colleagues one of a kind undertakings, and remark to and fro to the group directly in . What Does A Successful Collaborative Blog Post Look Like? Along these lines, you’ve set up a group and they’ve began to distribute online journals. In any case, how would you know whether these sites are any acceptable? Well first, you’ve got the opportunity to ensure they have explicit directions. The entirety of our authors know precisely what is normal with each blog entry, including, yet not constrained to: Word check Tone of article Number of inbound and outbound connections Sorts of pictures to utilize Also, more†¦. Think about the things youd need to remember for an ideal Write For Us page. Let’s plunge into it somewhat more profound. OK, things being what they are, qualities main thing viable blog entries have? Great blog entries have various visuals. Custom pictures, illustrative screen captures, and photos of genuine individuals are ideal (instead of stock photographs). The rules for our essayists determine what number of pictures, and the kinds of pictures that are suitable for the blog entry. Great blog entries are anything but difficult to peruse. Substance ought to be separated into various areas with different headers and sub-headers. Visual cues and numbered records are a lot simpler to peruse than a major divider o-content. Great blog entries are upgraded for SEO. Posts will incorporate catchphrase explore in a characteristic, natural way. Great blog entries have joins. Ensure your blog entry connects to different assets for additional perusing, including past blog entries you’ve distributed. Where conceivable, you ought to likewise connection to studies and insights that strengthen the focuses you make in your blog. Great blog entries are unique and locks in. This implies they shouldn’t have any re-hashed content from different web journals. They have to have unique thoughts and be written in a crisp, connecting with way. Great blog entries have legitimate language. In the event that you need your blog to be fruitful, a blog entry with awful punctuation is basically unsuitable. Ensure all scholars and editors are satisfactory and don’t have messy composing propensities. Great blog entries have incredible titles. Having a snappy title is vital on the off chance that you need your blog to excel on web indexes. In the event that you need assistance you can utilize a feature analyzer or a blog point generator. Don’t Forget About Guest Blogging While few out of every odd blog entry will require a visitor blogger, this is another significant job that puts forth your blog a gathering attempt. As a visitor blogger-somebody who composes a post for a site other than their own-I am ready to pick up introduction and Web traffic for my business through new outlets, and permit new crowds to become more acquainted with me. Another extraordinary thing about visitor blogging is that it is a two-way road, implying that I frequently get a visitor blog entry from the website I’m keeping in touch with one for. This encourages me meet my own substance needs and furthermore get some new and intriguing points of view for my blog. This is an incredible method to divvy up the work for your group, which puts somewhat less strain on a portion of your cutoff times. Keep in mind: Your Blog Is A Work In Progress Having one great blog entry is absolutely an achievement, yet all together for your blog have an enduring effect that promotes your organization’s objectives, you have to distribute extraordinary blog entries all the time. That implies realizing how to set cutoff times each colleague meets.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Think Tanks and Special Interest Groups

Research organizations and Special Interest Groups Free Online Research Papers Intrigue bunches are composed gathering of people who share normal destinations and who effectively endeavor to impact policymakers in every one of the three parts of the administration and at all levels. Including essentially organizations, different business affiliations, resident gatherings, associations, and expert affiliations, intrigue bunches take an interest in each part of strategy making in the U.S. In this article, I will expound on the history and motivation behind three intrigue gatherings: National Right to Life Committee, American Civil Liberties and The John Birch Society. The National Right to Life Committee is one of the biggest expert life associations in the United States. Their motivation is to work through enactment and instruction to neutralize premature birth, child murder, killing and helped self destruction ( The association was established in Detroit in 1973 in light of the Supreme Court choice of Roe V. Swim. The preliminary was extremely disputable issue for it time. The Roes case expected state to permit ladies to have a premature birth during the initial a half year of pregnancy. This permitted ladies a decision on the off chance that they might want to keep a kid. The motivation behind why this preliminary was dubious is that it managed premature birth. The history behind the commencement of the National Right to Life advisory group is about a ladies name Roe who was a pregnant lady from Texas that needed a fetus removal, however a current sculpture kept her from doing as such. The Texas sculpture, initially went in 1857 prohi bited premature births but to spare the life of the life of the mother. Roe recorded a claim in the government locale court for the benefit of herself and all other pregnant ladies. Roe needed to have the premature birth sculpture proclaimed in light of the fact that the 1857 sculpture went in Texas was illegal. It is expressed that it was an intrusion of her entitlement to security ensured by the primary, fourth, fifth, and ninth correction. Consequently the Supreme Court proclaimed the Texas fetus removal sculpture unlawful. The American Civil Liberties Union is an intrigue bunch that is worried about constraining legislative impact into zones it feels are a piece of an individual’s private life and outside the area of definitive control. What's more, it effectively participates in endeavoring to restrain legislative and institutional interruption into these zones of common life. Likewise, The ACLU accepts that every single citizen gangs certain freedoms and opportunities as individuals and residents that can not be encroached upon nor invalidated. This association was established in 1920 by a gathering of residents and needed to safeguard and protect the individual rights a freedoms ensured to all individuals in this nation by the Constitution and laws of the United States. (ACLU.Org) The John Birch Society is a traditionalist American association that was found in Indiana in 1958. The reason for this association was against the developing dangers to the Constitution of the United States. It guards what it sees as the first goal of the United States Constitution. They are against cooperation which is seen as Socialism, Communism, and Fascism. The history about this association is about a man name John Birch, who was a United States military insight official and a Baptist teacher during the World War 2. He was murdered by outfitted supporters of the Communist Party of China in 1945. As a result of this result, the John Birch Society was made so as to stop any enemies of socialists. ( American Civil Liberties Union. 2007. 6 Nobember 2007 John Birch Soceity. â€Å"Truth, Leadership, Freedom†. 6 November 2007. National Right to Life Committee. 2007. 6 November 2007 Research Papers on Think Tanks and Special Interest GroupsPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyQuebec and CanadaThe Effects of Illegal Immigration19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPETSTEL investigation of IndiaCapital PunishmentUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Stay Gold, Ponyboy Historical Models of Childhood in S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders - Literature Essay Samples

S.E. Hinton’s seminal first novel, The Outsiders, is widely credited as the birth of contemporary teenage fiction. While J.D. Salinger is often seen as the first writer to truly capture the modern teenage mindset sixteen years earlier (albeit in a work aimed towards adult readers) with his legendary novel The Catcher in the Rye, it was Hinton, a tomboyish high-school student from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who took the teenage voice and presented it in a manner that was even more palpable, visceral, and lifelike, than even the spoiled, whiny Holden Caulfield could ever imitate. She achieves this voice through her characters. Hinton’s greasers are rowdy, downtrodden, and more than a little flawed; they embody a youthful vigor and a powerful sense of poignant world-weariness unheard of in children’s literature before Hinton’s time. And yet, whether it was intentional or through a lack of writing experience, Hinton’s characters, despite their overwhelming modern ity, fit squarely into archetypes that had been prevalent in literary reconstructions of childhood for the past several centuries. My goal is to determine how the characters of The Outsiders fit into these traditional historic models of childhood and also how Hinton utilizes these models to both encapsulate and subvert the western canon and create a uniquely modern literature for a new generation of young readers. Of these historical models, perhaps the most famous is the concept of the â€Å"romantic child.† This model revolves around the belief that children are â€Å"the embodiment of innocence† (Hintz 15). In terms of The Outsiders, the most obvious candidate for this model is the character of Johnny. Johnny is portrayed as meek, timid, and introverted—quite the opposite of his fellow Greasers. Hinton describes him as â€Å"a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers† (Hinton 11). Whereas characters like Dally lash out in anger at an unfair world, Johnny internalizes the injustice he has experienced and retreats further into himself out of fear. However, instead of becoming hard and bitter, Johnny does manage to maintain his decency, as illustrated by him rescuing the children from the burning church in Chapter 6. This sacrificial act ultimately leads to his death, upon which Hinton elevates him to almost martyr-l ike status. It is through his dying plea to Ponyboy to â€Å"[stay] gold† – a reference to a Robert Frost poem discussed earlier in the novel – that Johnny fulfills his role as a symbol of lost childhood innocence (149). On the other hand, the character of Dally functions as an extreme contrast to Johnny. Whereas Johnny comes to embody innate innocence and virtue in spite of the cruelty of the world around him, Dally represents the natural depravity of an undisciplined child, a prime example of the model of the â€Å"sinful child† found in Puritan ideology. He is a full-fledged victim of his environment, and is described by Hinton as having â€Å"blue, blazing [eyes], cold with a hatred of the whole world† (10). He follows a strict Machiavellian philosophy, stating: â€Å"get tough like me and you won’t get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothin’ can touch you [.]† (147). Dally is a rather extreme example of what a child can do when left to his or her own self-destructive tendencies. Ponyboy Curtis, the novel’s narrator, is a bit more difficult to pin down, but one could argue he fits nicely into the category of the â€Å"developing child,† or a child that â€Å"[exists] along a continuum of development with the adult† (Freud 39). Ponyboy’s character follows the basic trajectory of the Buildungsroman (or â€Å"novel of education†) in that he grows mentally over the course of the novel and reaches a level of maturity and experience commonly associated with adulthood. At the beginning of the novel, Ponyboy is relatively comfortable adhering to the herd mentality followed by the Greasers and the Socs. He initially views the Socs in the same dehumanizing, stereotype-informed way that they view the Greasers, calling them â€Å"[w]hite trash with mustangs and madras† (Hinton 55). Through his interactions with Cherry Valance, Ponyboy begins to see the Socs as complex human beings with their own struggles and motivations. He pla intively states, â€Å"It seemed funny to me that the sunset she saw from her patio and the one I saw from the back steps was the same one. Maybe the two different worlds we lived in weren’t so different. We saw the same sunset† (40-41). Later on, as Ponyboy reflects on the character of Bob Sheldon (the Soc that Johnny kills in self-defense in Chapter 4), Ponyboy remarks: â€Å"I looked at Bobs picture and I could begin to see the person we had killed. A reckless, hot-tempered boy, cocky and scared stiff at the same time† (162). This newfound sympathy for the Socs gradually grows stronger over the course of the novel, as does Ponyboy’s self-awareness. Toward the end of the book, he says: Suddenly it wasnt only a personal thing to me. I could picture hundreds of boys living on the wrong sides of cities, boys with black eyes who jumped at their own shadows. Hundreds of boys who maybe watched sunsets and looked at the stars and ached for something better. I could see boys going down under street lights because they were mean and tough and hated the world, and it was too late to tell them there was still good in itThere should be some help, someone to tell them before it was too late. Someone should tell their side of the story, and maybe people would understand then and wouldnt be so quick to judge a boy by the amount of hair oil he wore (179). It is at this point that Ponyboy achieves something resembling adult wisdom. Not only does he become enlightened, he assumes an authoritative position by symbolic ally and literally becoming the author of his own story. At the very end of the novel, it is revealed that the book the reader has just finished is a work written by Ponyboy specifically to inform his audience of the plight of a group of people previously without a voice: namely the Greasers, but also the â€Å"realistic teenager† that S.E. Hinton originally sought to portray in her writing. It is through Ponyboy that Hinton ultimately achieves this goal. By creating characters that talk and act like ordinary teenagers but still fit into traditional models of childhood, Hinton has essentially reinvented the tradition of children’s literature in the western world. Gone are the days of â€Å"Mary Jane Goes to Prom and [ the] horse books† that Hinton spoke negatively of in an interview with the Outsiders Fan Club (â€Å"Exclusive Interview with SE. Hinton†). Instead, we have Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally—symbols of the modern teenager and his or her role in literature and art.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Transgender As A Social Problem Essay - 3514 Words

TRANSGENDER IN SPORTS The existence of those human beings who do not confirm to their gender has been documented throught human history .The term transgender is deeply rooted in Indian history, it has been an umbrella term. The problems that transgender are facing are more of a psychological rather than a social problem. They are still not accepted and recognized in the society. Transgender is a term for those people who do not fall either under male category or under female category. Transgender are usually defined as those â€Å"people relating to or being a person who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person s sex at birth.† Transgender are those who have a different gender identity than the gender they had at birth, their gender does not identifies with the gender role assigned to them. Sigment Freud in the Scheber case (1911) interpreted the term transgender as a conversion of homosexuality. The Berkeley Gender Equality Resource Centre defines a transgender as a person who defines mismatch of the sex that they were born as and the sex they identify as .These individuals’ internal identities usually do not match their sex that is assigned to them, at birth and they feel to correct their anatomy through hormonal use, genital reconstruction surgery and corrective surgery. For example, people who are born with a particular anatomy but they feel that they have been bornShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Transgender People Essay1509 Words   |  7 PagesNo matter what everyone and every group of people has problems, but some have more or less, bigger or smaller problems it depends on the group. Transgender people are a group that has a bit more problems than some. Their biggest five problems being, their risk of being victims of homicide and suicide, Gender dysphoria, False information, People trying to act smarter than they are, and discrimination. These are the biggest problems for transgender people in general because they effect the most transRead MoreGender Identity And The Transgender Orientation1386 Words   |  6 Pagesbehaviors develop in later years. These roles are largely based on social experiences and inner feelings. Generally, the behaviors are consistent with the gender assigned at birth, however; there are some children who are cross-gendere d and show behaviors that are opposite to the sex assigned to them at birth (Pardo, 2008). Most of the transgender people identify their gender identity during adolescence, research studies suggest that transgender males and females go through a process of dissonance, explorationRead MoreThe Effects Of Minority Stress On Mental Health Within The Transgender Community Essay1340 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this study was to prove how minority stress correlates with mental health within the transgender community. As defined by Meriam-Webster Dictionary, transgender â€Å"is relating to, or being a person who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person s sex at birth† (Merriam-Webster, 2016). For example, male to female, or female to male. However, researchers in this study used the minority stress model, which suggestedRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage In Australi A Case Study1297 Words   |  6 Pagessame-sex marriage vote becomes a very hot issue in Australia. While the several topics related to LBTIQA+ group also attracts people’s attention. According to LGBTIQA+ Group (n.d.), the term LGBTIQA+ refers to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual and other diverse sexual orientations and gender identities respectively. It is noted that in 2014 in Australia, there are nearly 11% of the whole population recognized them as having diverse sexual orientation or genderRead MoreAs Times Are Modernizing The Ideology That One Must Be1369 Words   |  6 Pages1999 there were very few H.R. transgender policies provided by US employers. As the years have gone by and almost twenty years later more and more Human Resource policies are being adopted and implemented in defense of not only those who in the lesbian or gay community, but for those with gender identity and/or expression that differs from that of an individual’s birth-specifically transgender to fight against discrimination and inequality in the workplace. Transgender issues are particularly importantRead MoreEssay Questions On Transgender Issues1517 Words   |  7 PagesBrainstorming Record Group Topic: Transgender Issues in Hamilton. Group Members: Victoria, Milica, Yasmeen Mickey Process Overview 2) a) We started to tackle this process by creating a concept map. Instantly we began talking about broader topics about Transgender issues, then we furthered researched more information about these broader topics, to get an understanding of which one we were most interested in. Finally, we took these broad topics and narrowed them into three individual sectionsRead MoreState University School Of Social Work Essay1436 Words   |  6 PagesCLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Changing Birth Certificate Sex Designations in Ohio ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Portia Colbert (216)551-6529 PREPARED FOR: Governor: John Kasich 09/21/2016 SWK 300: SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY PROF. Dover 1. GOAL STATEMENT – To enhance Ohio law and equality among transgender people by allowing the amendment of legalRead MoreChallenges Throughout Their Transition Of Being Expected1535 Words   |  7 PagesTransgenders face several challenges throughout their transition of being expected. MacNish Gold-Peifer (2014) defined the term transgender as an umbrella term used to describe variations of gender identities derived from your expected birth gender and societies expectations of that gender. Growing Up LGBT in America, stated that 26% of LGBT youth reported that the biggest problem that they face is not feeling accepted by their family, bullying and other school troubles, and the fear of beingRead MoreWhat Does Transgender Mean? Essay1452 Words   |  6 PagesConsidering the rise in different branches of civil rights, we see a neo wave of citizens wanting a fix to the social injustices within our country. Specifically for the LGBTQ movement, we see an increase of people being active and supportive to combat a patriarchal and gender binary society. For example, the recent yet, prevalent argument about same sex marriage. In addition to many people who died, were publicly humiliated, physically and or sexually abused because of their sexual preferences orRead MoreWhat Was The Aftermath Of The Provision? After Ab12661648 Words   |  7 Pagesplaced on the 2014 ballot in California. The second backlash occurred again in 2015. The same group filed the Personal Privacy Protection Act which would â€Å"Under the proposed act, people who feel their privacy in the bathroom has been violated by a transgender person would have the right to sue for no less than $4,000† (Garza). The act also requires that people use the bathroom that matches their birth sex and this includes bathrooms in public places and in government buildings. Norms Kristen Schilt

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparing Reminiscence Therapy And Other Verbal...

1. Outline the purpose of the study †¢ The study compares reminiscence therapy with every day communication to determine if the reminiscence therapy was effective. 2. How does the study apply to communication disorders? †¢ The study applies to communication disorders by the assessment of communication, increase vocabulary and conversation with the intervention of reminiscence therapy. 1. Describe the justification for the study. What does the study add to the literature? Is this the first study of its kind or is it an adaptation of previous studies? †¢ This study is an adaptation of prior studies. Previous studies did not use a control group. This study wants to compare reminiscence therapy and everyday conversation. Everyday conversation being the control group for this study. †¢ Prior research has been done on reminiscence therapy and has assessed the usefulness by analyzing memories recalled, cognition functions and the ability to perform every day activities. †¢ Prior research didn’t establish variables and didn’t clarify the difference between reminiscence therapy and other verbal interventions. This study plans on clarifying these items. 1. Describe the study design (is it correlational, experimental, survey research, etc.). †¢ The study design would be experimental. Experimental is when treatment or intervention has been given to subjects with the intention of determining if the treatment or intervention was valuable. 2. How did you determine which design

Queensland Energy Consumption Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Queensland Energy Consumption. Answer: Introduction Accessing energy is important to the community. In Australia, energy use and supply change every time. They use energy productively and as a result, the price goes up, the economy changes and new technologies are used. The perspectives and expectations of individuals about design and functions of energy systems differ. This is due to changes that happen and differ over time. Some people aim to attain lowest economic costs while others aim to attain a stable energy supply (Salvalai, et al., 2015, p. 23). Majority of people believe in the climate and environment as the most crucial elements to consider before implementing and designing the energy systems. Therefore the community must balance these perspectives and expectations. Production has changed due to changes in fuel, distribution, and importance of energy (Shen, et al., 2016, p. 234). Background information Queensland is among the states in Australia and one of the famous because of the heritage sites. The climate ranges between subtropical to tropical. It is a winter tourist attraction sites. Queensland has dry and wet seasons because of the latitude. Energy in Queensland is developed through energy and water supply department (Caputo, et al., 2016, p. 378). Increase in consuming energy impacts the environment and leads to risks of production of emissions. 80% of electricity produced comes from burning fossil fuel. Gases that are produced from combustion of fuel are greenhouse gases that result in global warming, acid rain, ozone depletion and negative effects (Tan, et al., 2016, p. 265). Queensland is affected by mild winters and summers that require air conditioning, refreshing in pools mining and showers. All these activities consume a lot of electricity. According to Sderqvist, et al., (2015, p. 256) 40% of Australian energy is spent on cooling and heating activities. Means in which Queensland uses energy Queensland uses energy in: Cooling and heating Most homes in Queensland use energy in cooling and heating in rooms in order to maintain and attain comfortable temperatures. Installing air conditioning in houses increases energy consumption. Changes in temperatures make individuals install this appliance and therefore one needs to take proper measures in order to reduce costs of energy consumption (Shen, et al., 2016, p. 134). Home appliances Home appliances energy to heat water, dry clothes, cook, store and iron clothes. These activities consume a lot of energy making it expensive at homes. Before purchasing home appliances on should consider the amount of energy used so that they choose one that consumes low energy and has alternatives. Fridges and freezers use a lot of energy and should be properly regulated with the required amount of light (Salvalai, et al., 2015, p. 278). Lighting Energy is used by homes to provide illumination through lighting. Installing LED lights, natural lights and fluorescent lights reduces the energy required to achieve an equal amount of illumination as compared to the traditional approach of lighting. To improve lighting energy consumption one needs to use new technology (Cumo, et al., 2013, p. 543). Mining Coal mining is one of the major fuels of generating electricity in Australia. Queensland uses Natural gas to drill water wells and electricity in refineries and mining smelters. This leads to a large amount of energy being used to make extraction and supply of coal, fuel, oil and other minerals thus increasing its consumption (Bisegna, et al., 2015, p. 567). Appliances that consume lot of energy Home appliances Queensland is affected by mild winters and summers that require air conditioning. Australians use 40% of energy for cooling and heating. This meant to keep individuals comfortable by maintaining the temperature of the rooms. This includes Fridges, ovens, dishwashers, clothes washers and freezers consume a lot of energy. One can minimize energy consumption by installing cloth line. This will reduce the cost of the dryer. Use of refrigerators will reduce energy by 40%. If everyone in Queensland uses new appliances, they will save approximately 20 billion kWh of electricity which in turn minimizes carbon dioxide emissions by 18billion kg using new appliances is the most efficient means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Turning these appliances off or maintaining low power is also energy efficient (Cumo, et al., 2013, p. 543). Mining Consumption of energy in the mining industry has been growing rapidly since 2013. This is due to increase in demand and production of commodities and resources across the world. Energy consumption has increased by 7% in 2013 (Science, 2015, p. 256). In the process of extraction, oil consumption has increased by 11% due to increase in production of gas for household uses in Queensland. Mining of fuels and transporting oil and gas in pipelines leads to the emission of greenhouses gases due to use of road transport and coal power thus polluting the environment. Importing these products leads to a reduction of energy by 7%. Sources of energy Coal In 2014 coal was recognized as the biggest source of energy with 33% in Queensland. The state contributes to coal mining. This is one of the major fuels of generating electricity in Australia. Coal seam gas and coal are significant sources of fuel. According to Science, (2015, p. 256) Queensland contributes 98% of coal seam gas in Australia. This is because of the growth of energy industries like mining, population growth, and economic growth that have increased high demands of energy. Mining of fuels and transporting oil and gas in pipelines leads to the emission of greenhouses gases due to use of road transport and coal power thus polluting the environment. The energy policy resolved not to issue licenses for coal unless best low emission technology is used. Queensland was recognized as the first state to produce oil and natural gas, using hydroelectric power and supply the city with natural gas. Electricity Queensland generates a capacity of electricity of over 14000 MW. The highest demand for electricity is about 8891 MW in 2010. The resource sector of Queensland demands electricity in refineries and mining smelters. Queensland exports 1380 MW and imports 880 MW of electricity. In 1985 workers disputed over wages. Electricity generation was deregulated in the year 2007 and nuclear power banned. People in the remote areas have resulted in electricity prices being subsidized by the community. Oil Oil was first distributed in Queensland the year 1980. The pipeline used busted in 2003 causing split of oil. Approximately 30billion of oil barrels is in Queensland. It produces petroleum products that result in the majority of states fuel. The state was affected by high prices and there were no alternative sources of energy and it is upon the state to find a solution to mitigate this problem. In 2014 oil was recognized as the biggest source of energy with38% in Queensland. Gas In 2014 natural gas was recognized as the biggest source of energy with 24% in Queensland. Coal gas was produced at Queensland and was extracted from coal in 1964. Natural gas was used to drill water wells. The first pipeline for the gas was 435km. mine gas is used to generate power in small quantities. This mine gas is 45MW and generates less power that reduces greenhouse emissions. In 2010, coal gas has grown by 43% compared to other years. The effect of coal gas production and exploration has increased environmental issues. From Science, (2015, p. 256) 34 wells had detectable wells. Five wells that leaked were flammable which is dangerous to human life. Solar Solar energy is used by 27% homes in Queensland. This gives a total of 937 MW. A third of solar panel owners receive 6.4% kW/h for extra power and the remaining receive 44c/KWh. Clean energy office offers hot water by installing solar systems for water. Rooftop solar installation is affected by deficiencies in electricity grid since grids were designed to operate from the power station. Renewables They contribute to about 15% of electricity generation in Queensland. This is because of hydro. It has increased from 7% in 2013. They fall under the policy of renewables and have signed up to 20% target schemes. Renewables still lag behind compared to other sources of energy. They emit fewer greenhouse gases in the environment (Carbonara, et al., 2015, p. 100). Regulation authority Queensland government policy has led to fuel diversification of sources of fuel which has given rise to regulatory organization e.g. 13% gas scheme. The target for electricity consumption is to increase by 15% in 2011 and 8% in 2020 (De Santoli Di Matteo, 2003, p. 111). Fuels include natural gas, LPG, waste gas, and coal seam gas. This has led to the formation of regulatory bodies to reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emission. Australian energy regulator AER is an organization used to regulate gas markets and wholesale electricity in Australia. They control the monopoly of energy distribution and transmission. They monitor wholesale and enforce rules of the electricity market. They have powers from the national electricity laws. Australian capital authority This policy is meant to provide a framework to manage economic, environmental and social challenges in relation to energy consumption and production. They provide reliable and affordable gas and electricity supply in Australia. It aims at providing a sustainable supply of energy to reduce carbon dioxide. Soft tools Office of clean energy It was started in 2008 to enable industries in initiating clean energy projects for Queensland. It administers SBS (solar bonus schemes) to pay surplus electricity for small customers and households (Garcia, et al., 2013, p. 765). Solar school programs This program aims at reducing the number of energy consumptions in schools by 30%. This initiative began in 2008. This program involves installing a solar panel of two KW in each school in Queensland. Kindergarten and crche services were funded for solar power installation systems (Fioretti, et al., 2015, p. 123). Government energy strategy. They initiated WCR water project which was built to ensure supply of water from source to power stations. This was meant to minimize peak demand and initiate new power stations. It involves initiatives of off-peak tariff for systems of hot water and easy accessibility to off-peak energy for pools. The strategy aims at establishing energy management Centre for advice on power efficiency and tariff for home appliances e.g. air conditioners, fridges and freezers (Gabay, et al., 2014, p. 654). Adopting these strategies would save a $3.5 billion of infrastructure cost. Ways of reducing consumption Lowering consumption of energy is not only due to use of reduction of cash but also conserving the environment. These ways are categorized according to use. Saving lighting energy In order to reduce energy used due to lighting, we can do this by Using the light from the solar panel in order to conserve electric consumption. Always turn off lights when not using Users should use light bulbs that save energy and offer standby power and efficient energy. Saving energy on home appliances Hot water, clothes dryers, and air conditioners are appliances that consume a lot of energy making it expensive at homes. Before purchasing home appliances on should consider the amount of energy used so that they choose one that consumes low energy and has alternatives (Science, 2015, p. 345). They should conserve energy by: Drying clothes from the line since the sun is always available at Queensland. In case one has more than one fridge, always turn them off when not in use or when only needed. Also, have the temperature of fridges regulated between 3-5degerees and 15-18 degrees for freezers. Switch off other appliances that are not in use e.g. toasters and electric kettles One can iron a lot of clothes at the same time. This will help reduce the amount of energy used in heating and reheating of ironing appliances. Saving energy on hot water Hot water uses a lot of energy in homes. This according to Belpoti Bizzarri, (2015, p. 89) is approximately 25% and contributes the biggest part of emissions of greenhouse gas. Therefore users should: Implement and use a 4-minute shower that will help reduce energy. Stop using a standard showerhead and use a 3-star head. This will reduce the amount of energy spent on hot water by 50%. Mixer tap can be left in cold position to avoid wasting hot water in cooling pipe. Saving energy on cooling and heating Queensland is affected by mild winters and summers that require air conditioning, refreshing in pools and showers. All these activities consume a lot of electricity. According to Bulut, et al., (2015, p. 765) 40% of Australian energy is spent on cooling and heating activities. To reduce energy one should consider: Before using the air conditioner in cooling the house, one should use fans, close curtains and shut down windows. This will help reduce the amount of sunlight heating the house directly. In case of soaring of mercury, do not turn on the air conditioning below 24 degrees. From the study by Di Matteo Monaco , (2011, p. 222) shows that turning on air conditioner below 24% increases between 5-10% consumed units of energy. In case one uses cooling or heating systems in their homes, always cool or heat the place you want to work from to avoid cooling or heating other rooms which are not needed. This will help in reducing energy consumption on such goods. Cost-benefit analysis For Queensland to provide the safe, productive and comfortable environment, the system of lighting must offer suitable condition with the required level of illumination. Systems of Lighting should be designed to consume the maximum amount of energy. Currently, sources of light produce equal light compared to traditional systems of light. Lighting is alone consumes 20-30% of electricity. Using new technologies will be sufficient for energy reduction. Energy saving solutions are used by 30 business sectors (Pagliaro, et al., 2015., p. 89). The use of LEDs bulbs has led to architects and customers competing to use new technology in the homes in Queensland. However, the use of these LEDs needs care. Not all appliances require LED installation. For instance, the maximum selling price for LED compared to the use of a conventional source of light may not be considered when installing. Therefore TC of ownership method is important, investment analysis in luminaires, costs of energy, cleaning costs and cost of lamp change. In addition, sensors need to be considered in order to reduce costs of energy and improve the lifetime of the luminaire. Mostly, LED solutions of annual costs like capital costs can be lower than conventional solutions. For example, one bulb costs $3 and uses 100W (Viholainen, et al., 2016, p. 100). It lasts two years and rate of usage is $4h/d. We want to reduce energy by replacing existing bulb with an LED bulb that costs $8 and uses 10W. The bulb lasts for a year at a usage rate of $4h/d. we want to use CBA to help make a decision on whether to replace a bulb or retain the existing one. Assuming electricity price to be $1.2 per KWH and service gain is two years at the rate of $4h/d. the company needs to buy two LED and one 100W. Conclusion Use of energy grows daily due to increased demand in the countries. In order to reduce energy one needs to use better appliances in order to reduce energy consumption costs. Lighting has an opportunity of saving energy. A cost-benefit analysis on the use of LED to replace another existing bulb is used to show benefits. The initial use of LED installation may be greater than traditional light installation. The use of LEDs results in lower energy consumption cost and cost of maintenance. 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