Sunday, December 29, 2019

Obesity A Result of Poor Diet or an Inherited Condition

Obesity - a result of poor diet or an inherited condition? Obesity. It’s the thing that people really scared of but just couldn’t get away from it. It’s that one thing that haunt most people even though their physicals are not even slightly going towards an obesity. Many people freak out when knowing that their BMI index is between the ranges of 25 to 29.9 kg/m2. They have a misconception of reading a BMI index. Actually, a person is considered as an obese when the BMI index of his or her is more than 30kg/m2 while 25 to 29.9 kg/m2 is only considered as an overweight. The way for a person to calculate his or her BMI index is by using that person’s height and weight either in meter and kilogram or inches and pound. The formula is weight divided by height2 if that person is using kilogram and meter unit but if he or she is using the pound and inches unit, the formula is different where the weight is divided by height2 and times 703 which is the conversion factor. Even obesity have three different classes according t o BMI index. Obese class I is from 30.0 to 34.9 while a person with a BMI index of 35.0 to 39.9 is classed as an obese class II while a person with a BMI index more than 40.0 is considered as an obese class III. The problem with obesity is that they are fatal because the medical condition of an obese person is the body fat has accumulated to the extent of it to have a negative effect on that person. The most related disease of all is diabetes or diabetes mellitusShow MoreRelatedWill Obesity And Diabetes Cause Deaths Of The Young Generation?1054 Words   |  5 PagesWill today’s children die earlier than their parents? Will obesity and diabetes cause deaths of all the young generation? How can we reduce the load of these health conditions on the health of future generations? (Gray, L. 2014) These are some questions which we need to get answers for and on which we should concentrate. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Classification Theorem Classification Algorithm

J48 Classification Algorithm The J48 classification algorithm considers all the possible tests that can split the data set and selects a test that gives the best information gain. So, whenever it encounters a training set it identifies the attribute that discriminates the various instances in a most clear way. From the possible values, if there is an attribute with unique value and if it has the same value as that of target value then the branch is ended For the other cases, other attribute with the highest gain is considered. This process is continued till we obtain a combination of attributes with the highest information gain or till we do not have any more attributes to test. The scenario in which we do not have any more attributes, the branch is assigned an average value or the value majorly possessed by the items. One Rule Classification Algorithm OneR also known as One Rule is a classification algorithm that generates one rule for each predictor in the data set. The attributes used for classification are known as predictors and the attribute classified is known as the target. After the generation of rule, the rule with the smallest error is considered as the â€Å"one rule.† A frequency table is generated for the creation of rule for a predictor. The results generated with the help of oneR algorithm are easy to interpret and are in easy readable format. Algorithm: For each predictor, For each value of that predictor, evaluate rule by following these steps;Show MoreRelatedClassification Of Data Mining Techniques1512 Words   |  7 Pagestechniques makes easier to predict hidden patterns from the data. The most popular data mining techniques are classification, clustering, regression, association rules, time series analysis and summarization. Classification is a data mining task, examines the features of a newly presented object and assigning it to one of a predefined set of classes. In this research work data mining classification techniques are applied to disaster data set which helps to categorize the disaster data based on the typeRead MoreTypes Of Speech Databases1068 Words   |  5 Pagesdisgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise. V. Speech Emotion Detection Algorithms The main function of the emotion detection system is to use all the collected data and its features to identify the emotion expressed in it. To perform this a classifier algorithm can be used to create a classification model. There are several options of classification algorithms that can be used for this purpose. Some of the top choices of algorithm based on research and existing systems include Bayes classifier, SupportRead MoreMethodology And Procedures Used In The Lp754 Words   |  4 Pagesmethodology and procedures employed in the LULC study included reviewing previous studies specific to the study area, interpretation and analysis of recent and middle-aged satellite images, NDVI and DNDVI analysis, preliminary land use and land cover classification and mapping, field and signature data collection and verification, and post land cover mapping (methodology Fig.2). During pre-fieldwork, the images were rectified and enhanced to create a more realistic representation of the scene and land coverRead MoreClassification Between The Objects Is Easy Task For Humans1101 Words   |  5 PagesClassification between the objects is easy task for humans but it has proved to be a complex problem for machines. 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The safety analysis of concrete gravity dams in seismic regions is significant due to the high potential of life and economic lossesRead MoreText Analytics And Natural Language Processing1099 Words   |  5 Pagesgraphically displayed constructing a sentiment time line with the chosen value (frequency, percentages, and averages) over time.B. Classifier Sentiment classification techniques are divided into three approaches: 1. Machine learning , 2. Lexicon based , 3. Hybrid . 1. Machine Learning Machine learning approach depends on the Machine Learning algorithms for the solutions of the sentiment analysis. The machine learning approach is used for predicting the polarity of sentiments based on trained as wellRead MorePredictive Analytics And The Health Care Industry1002 Words   |  5 PagesBefore proceeding to review a range of predictive analytic algorithms, it is important to know how critical predictive analytics is to the health care industry. The growth rate of US healthcare expenditures, increasing annually by nearly 5% in real terms over the last decade and a major contributor to the high national debt levels projected over the next two decades. McKinsey estimates that Big Data can enable more than $300 billion savings per year in US healthcare, with two-thirds of that throughRead MoreMeasuring A Computational Prediction Method For Fast And Determining The Protein Structural Class1279 Words   |  6 Pagesclasses are predicted. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm with the existing algorithms, four datasets, namely 25PDB, 1189, D640 and FC699 are used. In thi s work, an Improved Support Vector Machine (ISVM) is proposed to predict the protein structural classes. The comparison of results indicates that Improved Support Vector Machine (ISVM) predicts more accurate protein structural class than the existing algorithms. Keywords—Protein structural class, Support Vector Machine (SVM),Read MoreThe Generation Strategy And The Definitions Of Strategies1064 Words   |  5 PagesThe intricacy of the information gain for a corpus containing n records and d words is O(n†¢d†¢ k) 1.4 Classification Automatic Text classification has dependably been a vital application and research point since the beginning of advanced reports. Today, Text classification is a need because of the huge measure of content archives that we need to manage day by day. Areas in which Text classification is regularly utilized are: †¢ News filtering and Organization: News administrations deliver huge measureRead MoreNotes On Machine Learning And The Development Of Computer Programs1342 Words   |  6 Pagesstudies techniques allowing a robot to acquire unique skills or adapt to its environment through learning algorithms. Robot learning can be closely related to adaptive control, reinforcement learning as well as developmental robotics which considers the problem of autonomous lifelong acquisition of repertoires of skills. While machine learning is frequently used by computer vision algorithms employed in the context of robotics, these applications are usually not referred to as robot learning. [7]

Friday, December 13, 2019

How Humans Have Contributed to Climate Change Free Essays

CLIMATE CHANGE: HOW THE HOMO SAPIENS HAVE CONTRIBUTED By Ernest Ebo Jackson TERM PAPER Climate change refers to change in average weather patterns and can be caused by both natural processes and human activities. In the past, the earth’s climate has been affected by natural factors such as changes in solar output and the discharge of volcanic ash. In fact, the planet has been through many periods of cooling and warming. We will write a custom essay sample on How Humans Have Contributed to Climate Change or any similar topic only for you Order Now The last period of major cooling ended about 10,000 years ago. The physical evidence that suggests that the earth’s climate is changing is truly overwhelming. The world’s glaciers are retreating and disappearing, extreme weather is occurring more often now than in the past, the sea’s level and temperature is on the rise and it’s becoming more acidic, increased evaporation is drying out the earth’s supply of fresh water found in lakes and rivers, heat waves kill thousands in Europe, uncontrollable forests fires are destroying forests reserves in places like Australia and Africa, and increasing atmospheric temperature is raising the budget of many families in tropical countries use in cooling their homes. Need I say more? The sun’s warmth heats the surface of the earth, which in turn radiates energy back to space. Some of this radiation, which is nearly all in the infrared spectrum, is trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases. For instance, water vapor strongly absorbs radiation with wavelengths between 4 and 7 micrometers, and carbon dioxide (CO2) absorbs radiation with wavelengths between 13 and 19 micrometers. The trapped radiation warms the lower atmosphere, or troposphere. Some heat then finds its way back down to the Earth’s surface, making it hotter than it would otherwise be. This is the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere over the last 400,000 years show a rise since the industrial revolution. Analysis of ice in a core drilled from an ice sheet such as the Antarctic ice sheet enables scientist to arrive at this conclusion. But since when did humans becoming aware of the potentially adverse effects of Carbon dioxide emissions on the climate? As early as 1827, French polymath Jean-Baptiste Fourier predicts an atmospheric effect eeping the earth warmer than it would otherwise be. He is the first to use a greenhouse analogy. Also in 1957, US oceanographer Roger Revelle warns that humanity is conducting a â€Å"large-scale geophysical experiment† on the planet by releasing greenhouse gases. Colleague David Keeling sets up first continuous monitoring of CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Keeling soon finds a regular year-o n-year rise. Over the years, there have been many conferences aimed at finding solutions to climate change or global warming. In 1985 for instance, there was a major international conference on the greenhouse effect at Villach, Austria, which warned that greenhouse gases will â€Å"in the first half of the next century, cause a rise of global mean temperature which is greater than any in man’s history. † This could cause sea levels to rise by up to one meter, researchers say. The conference also reports that gases other than carbon dioxide, such as methane, ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide, also contribute to warming. The world’s nations however have not been united in their quest to curb global warming or climate change. Many nations have been selfish, especially developed ones, seeking first to achieve or maintain economic growth and thus world dominance rather than make the sacrifices needed to reverse the negative trend of climate change. . A revisit to some historical event will help buttress this point. 1995 proved to be the hottest year recorded to date. In March, the Berlin Mandate is agreed by signatories at the first full meeting of the Climate Change Convention in Berlin. Industrialized nations agree on the need to negotiate real cuts in their emissions, to be concluded by the end of 1997. In 1996, at the second meeting of the Climate Change Convention, the US agrees for the first time to legally binding emissions targets and sides with the IPCC against influential skeptical scientists. After a four-year pause, global emissions of CO2 resume their steep climb, and scientists warn that most industrialized countries will not meet Rio agreement to stabilize emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000. Furthermore, in 1997, Kyoto Protocol agrees legally binding emissions cuts for industrialized nations, averaging 5. 4%, to be met by 2010. The meeting also adopts a series of flexibility measures, allowing countries to meet their targets partly by trading emissions permits, establishing carbon sinks such as forests to soak up emissions, and by investing in other countries. The precise rules are left for further negotiations. Meanwhile, the US government says it will not ratify the agreement unless it sees evidence of â€Å"meaningful participation† in reducing emissions from developing countries. In 2001, the new US president, George W Bush, renounces the Kyoto Protocol because he believes it will damage the US economy. After some hesitation, other nations agree to go ahead without him. Talks in Bonn in July and Marrakech in November finally conclude the fine print of the protocol. Analysts say that loopholes have pegged agreed cuts in emissions from rich-nation signatories to less than a third of the original Kyoto promise. Signatory nations urged to ratify the protocol in their national legislatures in time for it to come into force before the end of 2002. Now let’s talk about a second human behavior that is negatively impacting the climate – deforestation. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands by the processes of humans such as logging and/or burning of trees in a forested area. Deforestation occurs because of many reasons: trees or derived charcoal are used as or sold for fuel or a commodity to be used by humans, while cleared land is used by humans as pasture for livestock, plantations of commodities, and settlements. People’s removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity. It has adverse impacts on biosequestration (the capture and storage of the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by biological processes) of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforested regions typically incur significant adverse soil erosion and frequently degrade into wasteland. Forests (an area with a high density of trees. ) are the most natural biological formation. They serve many functions. Firstly, forests protect and form other natural resources. Thanks to the processes of photosynthesis, they renew the oxygen stock in the atmosphere by fixing atmospheric carbon dioxide and moderating the greenhouse effect. Forests also allow for the existence of many species of plants and animals, thus protecting diversity of nature and its gene stock. Forests clean the environment by muffling noises, lowering the wind strength as well as stopping dust and gases. They have a regulatory influence on surface water runoff; they moderate high and low temperatures and prevent soil erosion. By performing all of the above listed functions forests stabilize the climate and shape the landscape. Forests create conditions for relaxation, recreation and improvement of health. Only when actively growing can trees or forest remove carbon over an annual or longer timeframe. The decay and burning of wood releases much of this stored carbon back to the atmosphere. In order for forests to take up carbon, the wood must be harvested and turned into long-lived products and trees must be re-planted. Sadly consumer trends indicate the humans like to discard products such as furniture after only a few years of usage and buy new ones, increasing the need for wood and thus deforestation. Reducing emissions from the tropical deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries has emerged as new potential solution to complement ongoing climate policies. The idea consists in providing financial compensations for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from deforestation and forest degradation†. The earlier these ideas are implemented, the better for us. The hydrological effects on climate as a result of deforestation are even more alarming. The water cycle is probably the most affected by deforestation. Trees extract groundwater through their roots and release it into the atmosphere. When part of a forest is removed, the trees no longer evaporate away this water, resulting in a much drier climate. Already, acute water shortages in countries like Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Iraq has resulted in armed conflicts with factions fighting to control the scanty water resources available. Water prices increase too is an indication of global water shortage. In Britain, water and sewage bills increased 67 percent between 1989 and 1995. The rate at which people’s services were disconnected rose by 177 percent. Deforestation also contributes to decreased evapotranspiration (the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth’s land surface to atmosphere), which lessens atmospheric moisture which in some cases affects precipitation levels downwind from the deforested area, as water is not recycled to downwind forests, but is lost in runoff and returns directly to the oceans. According to one preliminary study in deforested north and northwest China, the average annual precipitation decreased by one third between the 1950s and the 1980s. Trees, and plants in general, affect the water cycle significantly: their canopies intercept a proportion of precipitation, which is then evaporated back to the atmosphere (canopy interception); their litter, stems and trunks slow down surface runoff; their roots create macropores – large conduits – in the soil that increase infiltration of ater; they contribute to terrestrial evaporation and reduce soil moisture via transpiration; their litter and other organic residue change soil properties that affect the capacity of soil to store water. Their leaves control the humidity of the atmosphere by transpiration. 99% of the water pulled up by the roots move up to the leaves for transpiration. As a result, the presence or absence of trees can change the quantity of water on the surface, in the soil or groundwater , or in the atmosphere. This in turn changes erosion rates and the availability of water for either ecosystem functions or human services. Tropical rainforests produce about 30% of our planet’s fresh water. So what are we waiting for? When will human start acting to reverse these trends? I wish I knew. The third human activity that has contributed to global warming is the use of chlorofluorocarbon. A chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) is an organic compound that contains carbon, chlorine, and fluorine. Many CFCs have been widely used as refrigerants, propellants (in aerosol applications), and solvents. Applications exploit the low toxicity, low reactivity, and low flammability of the CFCs. During World War II, various chloroalkanes were in standard use in military aircraft. After the war they slowly became more common in civil aviation as well. In the 1960s, fluoroalkanes and bromofluoroalkanes became available and were quickly recognized as being highly effective fire-fighting materials. By the late 1960s they were standard in many applications where water and dry-powder extinguishers posed a threat of damage to the protected property, including computer rooms, telecommunications switches, laboratories, museums and art collections. Beginning with warships, in the 1970s, bromofluoroalkanes also progressively came to be associated with rapid knockdown of severe fires in confined spaces with minimal risk to personnel. By the early 1980s, bromofluoroalkanes were in common use on aircraft, ships, and large vehicles as well as in computer facilities and galleries. A planet’s climate is decided by its mass, its distance from the sun and the composition of its atmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% other gases. Carbon dioxide makes up just 0. 03 – 0. 04% with water vapour varying in amount from 0 to 2%. Without the greenhouse gases, Earth’s average temperature would be roughly -20 °C. The use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in machinery and other purposes have resulted in the release of CFCs into the atmosphere which intensifies the heat-trapping properties of the atmosphere as a whole. There is no natural process that release CFCs. In addition, CFCs rise into the upper layer of the atmosphere, the stratosphere, where they destroy the protective layer of ozone, a gas that forms a shield against ultraviolet rays that can harm many forms of life. About l million tons (over 900,000 metric tons) per year of CFCs have been released worldwide since the mid l970s. Demand for refrigeration (which has cooling systems that use CFCs) in developing countries is projected to increase greatly, especially in China and India. Ozone losses in the upper atmosphere are occurring at all latitudes in both hemispheres. The most striking example of ozone loss occurs over the South Pole during September and October. As ozone is lost, the amount of biologically harmful UV-B radiation will increase. Skin cancer rates are expected to increase. Other health effects will likely include an increase in cataracts and suppression of the immune system. Increased UV-B radiation may also harm plants and animals. These CFCs have a global warming potential of up to 11,000 times as strong as carbon dioxide by weight. Unfortunately, millions of products such as refrigerators, air conditioners, fire extinguishers and aerosol cans that contain CFCs are still in use around the world and are nearing the end of their usable lives. The next 10-20 years present a unique one-time opportunity to prevent emissions from these products as they are retired and therefore mitigate ozone damage and global climate change. The damage caused by CFCs was discovered by Sherry Rowland and Mario Molina who, after hearing a lecture on the subject of James Lovelock’s work, embarked on research resulting in the first publication suggesting the connection in 1974. It turns out that one of CFCs’ most attractive features—their low reactivity— is the key to their most destructive effects. CFCs’ lack of reactivity gives them a lifespan that can exceed 100 years, giving them time to diffuse into the upper stratosphere. Once in the stratosphere, the sun’s ultraviolet radiation is strong enough to cause the homolytic cleavage of the C-Cl bond. Since the late 1970s, the use of CFCs has been heavily regulated. By 1987, in response to a dramatic seasonal depletion of the ozone layer over Antarctica, diplomats in Montreal forged a treaty, the Montreal Protocol, which called for drastic reductions in the production of CFCs. On March 2, 1989, 12 European Community nations agreed to ban the production of all CFCs by the end of the century. In 1990, diplomats met in London and voted to significantly strengthen the Montreal Protocol by calling for a complete elimination of CFCs by the year 2000. On October 2 2009, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) held a briefing about the stockpile of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in old equipment and building infrastructure, and the enormous potential for these potent greenhouse gases to accelerate climate change. These CFC â€Å"banks† store the equivalent of 18 billion tons of carbon dioxide, approximately one-third of which will be emitted over the next decade under business as usual. EESI estimates that the destruction of CFCs could cost $62 -$180 billion globally. No wonder institutions are reluctant to destroy them though they are very much conscious of the effects CFCs are having on our climate. As the evidence shows, we have ourselves to blame for the unfavorable climate in recent history. Our practices are changing the climate and we are conscious of it but still keep on living life as if nothing is at stake. The billions of dollars that we gain from over-exploiting the earth are the same billion we spent on relief for victims of extreme weather. What then do we gain? The U. S. has sustained 96 weather-related disasters over the past 30 years in which overall damages/costs reached or exceeded $1 billion. The total normalized losses for the 96 events exceed $700 billion. Read an instance in the paragraph below. Southwest/Great Plains Drought persists for an entire year in 2009. Drought conditions occurred during much of the year across parts of the Southwest, Great Plains, and southern Texas causing agricultural losses in numerous states (TX, OK, KS, CA, NM, and AZ). The largest agriculture losses occurred in TX and CA. Estimate of over $5. 0 billion in damages/costs. I believe the arguments presented herein are very conclusive. Humans have contributed immensely to climate change and they are paying for it. How to cite How Humans Have Contributed to Climate Change, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Information Systems Today free essay sample

It is limited to transactions between businesses and consumers. C) Electronic commerce between businesses and their employees is not possible. D) All forms of electronic commerce involve business firms. E) Consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce is a complete reversal of the traditional business-to-consumer electronic commerce. 3) Which of the following is an example of business-to-consumer electronic commerce? A) Brenda files her income tax online. B) A manufacturer conducts business over the Web with its retailers. C) Juan buys Kevins guitar on eBay. com. D) Reuben buys a shoe on Yebhi. om. E) Sandra, an employee, uses the Web to make a change her health benefits. 4) Which of the following is an example of consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce? A) Niobi makes an online deposit of $5,000 into her friend Carlas account because she needs financial help. B) Heath buys a gift for Vannessa from Amazon. com. C) Blanco, a manufacturer, conducts business over the Web with its retailers. D) Ted files his income tax online. E) Marty buys Lobsangs mountaineering equipment from eBay. com 5) Ben buys an Olympus E-PL2 from Sony which starts malfunctioning. When he opts for an exchange, the customer representative says that an exchange or repair is not possible because the damage was of a physical nature and not covered under warranty. Which of the following consequences, if true, would be an example of consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce? A) Ben sells the Olympus E-PL2 to Balvinder Singh in India through eBay. com. B) Ben files an online suit against Sony. C) Ben files a complaint on Sonys Web site asking for an escalation. D) Ben buys a Canon G 12. E) Ben sells the Olympus E-PL2 to the worlds largest used camera dealer KEH. om. 6) Which of the following is a result of global information dissemination? A) Firms link Web sites to corporate databases to provide real-time access to personalized information. B) Firms tailor their products and services to meet a customers particular needs on a large scale. C) Firms market their products and services over vast distances. D) Firms provide immediate communication and feedback to and from customers. E) Firms provide ways for clients and firms to conduct business online without human assistance. 7) Which of the following actions explains mass customization? A) Firms tailor their products and services to meet a customers particular needs on a large scale. B) Firms provide immediate communication and feedback to and from customers. C) Firms provide ways for clients and firms to conduct business online without human assistance. D) Firms market their products and services over vast distances. E) Firms link Web sites to corporate databases to provide real-time access to personalized information. 8) Which of the following is an advantage of using interactive communication via the Web? A) reduced transaction costs B) increased customer loyalty C) enhanced operational efficiency D) reduced brand dilution E) decreased cannibalization 9) The phenomenon of cutting out the middleman and reaching customers more directly and efficiently is known as ________. A) gentrification B) demutualization C) reintermediation D) mutualization E) disintermediation 10) Which of the following is an example disintermediation? A) Land Rover markets most of its four-wheel drives in high altitude regions where vehicles require more power. B) Dunkin Donuts expanded its menu beyond breakfasts by adding hearty snacks that substitute for meals, which consists of items like Dunkin Dawgs, hot dogs wrapped in dough. C) Gatorade Thirst Quencher is a market leader in sports drinks. It is now planning to market its drinks to working women in urban areas. D) OakTeak, a furniture manufacturing firm, started selling directly to its customers after it experienced a dip in sales due to channel conflicts between retailers. E) A luxury car company creates a hybrid line of automobiles for consumers who are concerned about the environment. 11) ________ refers to the design of business models that reintroduce middlemen in order to reduce the challenges brought on by dealing directly with customers. A) Reintermediation B) Demutualization C) Gentrification D) Disintermediation E) Mutualization 12) Which of the following is an example of reintermediation? A) The black Centurian card is issued by invitation only to customers who spend more than $250,000 a year on other American Express cards. B) PG acquires the list of parents-to-be and showers them with samples of Pampers and other baby products to capture a share of their future purchases. C) Kambo, a fashion apparel company that deals directly with customers to sell its products, added retailers to its supply chain to cater to its target audience in remote geographic locations. D) OakTeak, a furniture manufacturing firm, started selling directly to its customers after it experienced a dip in sales due to channel conflicts between retailers. E) Dunkin Donuts expanded its menu beyond breakfasts by adding hearty snacks that substitute for meals, which consists of items like Dunkin Dawgs, hot dogs wrapped in dough. D) These firms only conduct business electronically in cyberspace. E) These firms do not have physical store locations. 17) Which of the following firms would most likely pursue the brick-and-mortar strategy? A) KEH. com is a used camera dealer that buys and sells cameras across the globe. B) Castros is a watch manufacturing firm known for its effective mass customization. C) SmartInv is a brokerage firm that allows its customers to personalize their portfolios. D) BestBaker is a local bakery store in Bantam, Connecticut and caters exclusively to its residents. E) Nebo, a computer manufacturer, has pursued disintermediation and sells directly to customers. 18) Which of the following statements is true about firms pursuing a click-and-mortar business strategy? A) These firms learn how to fully maximize commercial opportunities in both domains. B) These firms can often compete more effectively on price. C) These firms tend to be highly adept with technology and can innovate very rapidly as new technologies become available. D) Customers of these firms find it difficult to return a product in case of damages. E) These firms can reduce prices to rock-bottom levels, although a relatively small firm may not sell enough products. 19) EZBiz, the brainchild of three college friends, is a startup venture which plans to produce and market sports gear. They are currently trying to decide between a brick-and-click strategy and a click-only strategy. Which of the following, if true, would most undermine the decision to adopt a click-only strategy? A) The company has limited access to funds and is looking to keep its costs low. B) The public is wary of sharing confidential information after a recent spate of credit card scandals. C) A competitor is facing severe backlash after inadvertently releasing sensitive data into the public domain. D) Several companies who have switched from brick-and-mortar strategy to a click-only are experiencing severe channel conflicts. E) Some click-only companies have been unable to achieve economies of scale and subsequently are unable to offer lower prices. 20) EZBiz, the brainchild of three college friends, is a startup venture which plans to produce sports gear. They are currently trying to decide between a brick-and-click strategy and a click-only strategy. Which of the following, if true, would most support the decision to adopt a click-only strategy? A) E-commerce places firms on a global platform, in direct competition with the best in the business. B) Retailers have a preference for established brands that can pay good margins. C) Research suggests that some customers prefer online shopping because of the convenience it offers. D) Product trials and demonstrations are an essential part of the consumer buying process. E) Cyber laws are yet to reach the level of sophistication required to facilitate safe online transactions. 1) Which of the following statements is true about the revenue model? A) It emphasizes the utility that the product/service has to offer to customers. B) It analyzes the existing players in the market and the nature of the competition. C) It describes the promotion plan of the product/service. D) It describes how the firm will produce a superior return on invested capital. E) It analyzes the background and experie nce of the company leadership. 22) Which of the following questions should a manager consider while analyzing the value proposition component of the business model? A) How much are you selling the product for? B) How fierce is the competition? C) How do you plan to let your potential customers know about your product/service? D) Can the leaders of the organization get the job done? E) Why do customers need your product/service? 23) While preparing a business model, a manager considers the question, How do you plan to let your potential customers know about your product/service? Which of the following components of the businessing model is he/she considering? A) Revenue model B) Management team C) Marketing strategy D) Value proposition E) Competitive environment 24) Paying businesses that bring or refer customers to another business is known as ________. A) affiliate marketing B) subscription marketing C) viral marketing D) stealth marketing E) buzz marketing 25) A collection of companies and processes are involved in moving a product from the suppliers of raw materials, to the suppliers of intermediate components, to final production, and ultimately, to the customer; these companies are collectively referred to as ________. A) customer management B) product lifecycle C) enterprise resource management D) supply chain E) market entry 26) Prior to the introduction of the Internet and Web, the secure communication of proprietary information in business-to-business electronic commerce was facilitated using ________. A) enterprise resource planning B) electronic data interchange C) cloud computing D) supply chain management E) executive information system 27) Which of the following statements is true about the extranet? A) It restricts the companys information from going on the Web. B) It can be accessed only by employees within an organization. C) It contains company related information which all the employees of an organization can access. D) It enables two or more firms to use the Internet to do business together. E) It requires large expenditures to train users on the technologies. 28) Web-based technologies are cross platform, meaning that disparate computing systems can communicate with each other provided that ________. A) the computing systems have been manufactured by the same company B) the computing system manufacturing companies are business partners C) they are located in the same country D) standard Web protocols have been implemented E) the computing system manufacturing companies allow it 29) Companies use ________ to secure proprietary information stored within the corporate local area network and/or wide area network so that the information can be viewed only by authorized users. A) firewalls B) phishing C) rootkits D) bots E) pharming 30) Organizations primarily use extranets to ________. A) conduct market research B) manage their supply chains C) identify their target market D) control brand dilution E) manage public relations 1) In the context of B2B supply chain management, ________ can be defined as access points through which a business partner accesses secured, proprietary information from an organization. A) bots B) forums C) portals D) rootkits E) hosts 32) ________ can provide substantial productivity gains and cost savings by creating a single point of access where the company can conduct business with any number of business partners. A) Rootkits B) Ph arming C) Bots D) Phishing E) Portals 33) ________ automate the business processes involved in selling products from a single supplier to multiple buyers. A) Supplier portals B) Reference portals C) Customer portals D) Procurement portals E) Sourcing portals 34) ________ are designed to automate the business processes that occur before, during, and after sales have been transacted between a supplier and multiple customers. A) Sourcing portals B) Reference portals C) Supplier portals D) Customer portals E) Procurement portals 35) ________ are set up as B2B Web sites that provide custom-tailored offers or specific deals based on sales volume. A) Sourcing portals B) Customer portals C) Procurement portals D) Reference portals E) Supplier portals 6) What is the difference between customer and supplier portals and business-to-business (B2B) marketplaces? A) Unlike customer and supplier portals, B2B marketplaces cannot be classified as extranets. B) Unlike customer and supplier portals, B2B marketplaces are secured by firewalls. C) Unlike customer and supplier portals, B2B marketplaces only serve vertical markets. D) Unlike customer and supp lier portals, B2B marketplaces are associated with a particular buyer or supplier who deals with multiple business partners. E) Unlike customer and supplier portals, B2B marketplaces allow many buyers and many sellers to come together. 7) Markets comprised of firms operating within a certain industry sector are known as ________ markets. A) vertical B) parallel C) horizontal D) stipulated E) focused 38) Which of the following statements is true about B2B and B2C payments? A) Most B2B payments are made through credit cards. B) Most B2C payments are made by checks. C) Most B2B payments are made through electronic payment services. D) Most B2B payments are made by cash. E) Most B2B payments are made by checks. 39) Credit cards and electronic payment services are not used for large B2B transactions because of ________. A) the risks associated with these services B) the complications arising out of these transactions C) preset spending limits D) the resulting decrease in working capital E) the expenses associated with these services 40) Organizations implement intranets to support ________ electronic commerce. A) business-to-business B) business-to-consumer C) business-to-government D) business-to-employee E) consumer-to-business 41) Intranets mostly affect the ________ of an organization. A) suppliers B) employees C) customers D) retailers E) advertisers 2) ________ is used to facilitate the secured transmission of proprietary information within an organization. A) Intranet B) Transnet C) Ethernet D) Extranet E) Telnet 43) Which of the following distinguishes an intranet from an extranet? A) An intranet looks and acts just like a publicly accessible Web site. B) An intranet uses the same hardware as a publicly accessible Web site. C) Users access their companys intranet using their Web browser. D) An intranet uses the same networking technologies as a publicly accessible Web site. E) In its simplest form, intranet communications do not travel across the Internet. 44) ________ are temporary work groups with a finite task and life cycle. A) Intensive forces B) Cross functional teams C) Task forces D) Staff committees E) Self directed work teams 45) The term ________ refers to a class of software that enables people to work together more effectively. A) malware B) groupware C) freeware D) webware E) pestware 46) Which of the following is an asynchronous groupware tool? A) shared whiteboard B) online chat C) intranet D) electronic meeting support system E) video communication system 47) One of the benefits of groupware is its parallelism. Which of the following statements best explains this sentence? A) It keeps the group on track and helps avoid costly diversions. B) It can easily incorporate external electronic data and files. C) It enables members to collaborate from different places at different times. D) It automatically records member ideas, comments, and votes. E) It enables many people to speak and listen at the same time. 48) Which of the following is a synchronous groupware tool? A) e-mail B) intranet C) group calendar D) online chat E) automation system 49) Which of the following provides customers with the ability to obtain personalized information by querying corporate databases and other information sources? A) e-filing B) e-integration C) e-information D) e-transaction E) e-tailing 50) The online sales of goods and services is known as ________. A) e-information B) e-integration C) e-tailing D) e-collaboration E) e-filing 51) Which of the following occurs in a reverse pricing system? A) Customers specify the product they are looking for and how much they are willing to pay for it. B) Customers are provided with the product and its price. C) Customers are provided with a product and can decide how much they are willing to pay for it. D) Customers specify the product they are looking for and the company provides the product with a price. E) Customers cannot decide the product but they can decide the price of the products available. 2) How do comparison shopping sites generate revenue? A) by charging a commission on transactions B) by selling their products C) by charging a virtual shelf-space fee to manufacturers D) by increasing the click-count on their site E) by charging distribution fees to consumers 53) The concept of the Long Tail refers to a focus on ________. A) mainstream products B) broad markets C) generic brands D) brand dilution E) niche markets 54) Which of the following is a disadvantage of e-tailing? A) It is limited by physical store and shelf space restrictions. B) It requires additional time for products to be delivered. C) It complicates the process of comparison shopping. D) It restricts companies to effectively compete on price. E) It reduces a companys inventory turnover time. 55) Which of the following explains Web analytics? A) conducting online marketing research to improve product quality B) analyzing Web sites in order to find the best one in its category C) tracking all online purchasers to try and increase their frequency of visit to a particular Web site D) analyzing Web surfers behavior in order to improve Web site performance E) analyzing Web sites in order to find the best online business practices 6) Which of the following is a mechanism for consumer-to-consumer transactions? A) e-tailing B) e-integration C) e-filing D) e-tendering E) e-auctions 57) ________ is a form of e-auction in which the highest bidder wins. A) Reverse auction B) Bartering C) Exchange D) Forward auction E) Request for quote 58) ________ is a form of e-auction where buyers post a request for quote. A) A reverse a uction B) Bartering C) An exchange D) A forward auction E) A request for proposal 59) Which of the following forms of e-auction typically takes place on a business-to-business level? A) reverse auctions B) bartering C) exchanges D) forward auctions E) request for quotes 60) Doug is a frequent visitor of online auction sites. He uses two different accounts to place a low followed by a very high bid on the desired item. This leads other bidders to drop out of the auction. He then retracts the high bid and wins the item at the low bid. This form of e-auction fraud is known as ________. A) shill bidding B) bid luring C) payment fraud D) nonshipment E) bid skimming 61) Which of the following types of e-auction fraud is associated with the sellers failure to ship an item after the payment has been received? A) bid luring B) bid shielding C) nonshipment D) shipping fraud E) payment failure 62) If a companys Web site is listed in the sponsored list of a search engine, the search engine receives revenue on a ________ basis. A) pay-per-click B) pay-per-sale C) click-through D) pay-per-conversion E) click-per-visit 63) Under the ________ pricing model, the firm running the advertisement pays only when a Web surfer actually clicks on the advertisement. A) pay-per-refresh B) pay-per-sale C) pay-per-click D) pay-per-conversion E) click-per-visit 64) Click-through rate reflects ________. A) the ratio of surfers who visited the Web site divided by the number of surfers who clicked on the ad B) the ratio of surfers who click on an ad divided by the number of times it was displayed C) the percentage of visitors who actually perform the marketers desired action D) the ratio of surfers who clicked on the ad divided by the number of people who made the purchase E) the ratio of surfers who visited the Web site divided by the number of people who made a purchase 65) ________ allows individual Web site owners to post companies ads on their pages. A) Bum marketing B) Stealth marketing C) Viral marketing D) Buzz marketing E) Affiliate marketing 66) In a ________, a site hosting an advertisement creates fake clicks in order to get money from the advertiser. A) competitive click fraud B) irate click fraud C) network click fraud D) shill click fraud E) dedicated click fraud 67) MakeYourClick is an online ad agency that is known for its ability to create ads which lure customers to purchase. Brenda, an ex-employee of the firm, was fired from the agency on baseless grounds. An angry Brenda inflates MakeYourClicks online advertising cost by repeatedly clicking on the advertisers link. Brenda has committed ________. A) competitive click fraud B) irate click fraud C) network click fraud D) shill click fraud E) dedicated click fraud 68) ________ is used in order to have small, well-defined tasks performed by a scalable ad hoc workforce of everyday people. A) Nearshoring B) Insourcing C) Offshoring D) Crowdsourcing E) Homesourcing 69) ________ is an example of m-commerce. A) e-auctions B) e-tailing C) e911 D) e-filing E) e-integrating 70) Which of the following is an argument against digital rights management? A) It encourages unauthorized duplication. B) It enables publishers to infringe on existing consumer rights. C) It discourages publishers to control their digital media. D) It inhibits online transactions in the industry. E) It restricts copyright holders to minimize sales losses. 71) E-filing is an example of a ________ tool. A) government-to-citizen B) consumer-to-consumer C) government-to-government D) consumer-to-business E) business-to-business Chapter 5: Enhancing Collaboration Using Web 2. 0 1) Which of the following is a basic concept associated with Web 2. 0? A) shift in users preference from online sites to encyclopedias as sources of unbiased information B) shift in users role from the passive consumer of content to its creator C) shift in users interest from sharing information o finding information D) shift in users lifestyle due to increased purchasing power E) shift in users preference to environment-oriented products 2) Which of the following is a consequence of the use of social software? A) People are using encyclopedias as sources of unbiased information. B) People are using environmentally-friendly products. C) People have increas ed purchasing power. D) People are sharing more personal information. E) People have become passive consumers of content. 3) The use of ________ within a companys boundaries or between a company and its customers or stakeholders is referred to as Enterprise 2. . A) Web 1. 0 techniques and intranet B) extranet and intranet C) Web 2. 0 techniques and social software D) extranet and Web 1. 0 techniques E) social software and extranet 4) Which of the following statements is true about Web 1. 0? A) It helps users share information. B) It helps users find information. C) Users rule these applications. D) Users receive and give recommendations to friends. E) It helps connect ideas and people. 5) A major benefit of social software is the ability to harness the wisdom of crowds, which is also referred to as ________. A) collaborative filtering B) preference elicitation C) creative commons D) consensus democracy E) collective intelligence 6) The concept of ________ is based on the notion that distributed groups of people with a divergent range of information and expertise will be able to outperform the capabilities of individual experts. A) cognitive dissonance B) creative commons C) collective intelligence D) consensus democracy E) preference elicitation 7) Which of the following statements is true about a discussion forum? A) It started out as a novices way of expressing themselves using very simple Web pages. B) It is the process of creating an online text diary made up of chronological entries that comment on everything. C) Rather than trying to produce physical books to sell or use as gifts, users merely want to share stories about their lives or voice their opinions. D) It is dedicated to a specific topic, and users can start new threads. E) It enables a person to voice his/her thoughts through short status updates. 8) Which of the following statements is true about blogs? A) They emulate traditional bulletin boards and allow for threaded discussions between participants. B) They allow individuals to express their thoughts in a one-to-many fashion. C) They are dedicated to specific topics, and users can start new threads. D) They are moderated so that new postings appear only after they have been vetted by a moderator. E) They enable people to voice their thoughts through short status updates. 9) Which of the following Web 2. 0 applications has been classified as the amateurization of journalism? A) blogs B) discussion forums C) social presence tools D) instant messaging E) online chats 10) Keith Norat, the Chief Technology Officer of Kender Internationals, relies on blogs while making decisions. In his words, Blogs are an important part of our purchase decisions. In todays environment, blogs provide diverse information that help us to make good decisions. Which of the following is an underlying assumption? A) Information in blogs is accurate. B) Some of the blogs are not written well. C) Blogs are company sponsored. D) Professional bloggers rely heavily on advertisements to sustain their operations. E) Blogs lead to the amateurization of journalism. 11) Which of the following explains the term blogosphere? A) the movement against blogs B) the amateurization of blogs C) the revolution against microblogging D) the community of all blogs E) the movement against discussion forums 12) Social presence tools are also known as ________ tools. A) social bookmarking B) instant chatting C) microblogging D) videoconferencing E) geotagging 13) Which of the following facilitates real-time written conversations? A) instant messaging B) discussion forums C) status updates D) blogs E) tagging 14) ________ take the concept of real-time communication a step further by allowing people to communicate using avatars. A) Blogging B) Microblogging C) Instant messaging D) Discussion forums E) Virtual worlds 15) Which of the following statements is true about virtual worlds? A) It allows people to communicate using avatars. B) Small firms have not been successful in consumer-oriented virtual worlds. C) It is designed for short status updates. D) It is the process of creating an online text diary made up of chronological entries that comment on everything. E) Large companies have been able to realize the potential of consumer-oriented virtual worlds. 16) The network effect refers to the notion that the value of a network is dependent on ________. A) the speed of the network B) the number of other users C) the knowledge of the users D) the commitment of the users E) the technical expertise of the moderators 17) ________ is a cooperative Web 2. 0 application making use of the network effect. A) Media sharing B) RSS C) Tagging D) Instant messaging E) A discussion forum 18) ________ is the distribution of digital media, such as audio or video files via syndication feeds for playback on digital media players. A) Narrowcasting B) Crowdsourcing C) Blogging D) Netcasting E) Phishing 19) Podcasting is a misnomer because podcasts ________. A) are concerned with the dissemination of information to a narrow audience B) cannot be played on Apples iPods C) are not related to distribution of digital media for digital devices D) are concerned with outsourcing tasks to a large group of people or community E) can be played on a variety of devices in addition to Apples iPods 20) Social bookmarking allows users to share Internet bookmarks and to create categorization systems. These categorization systems are referred to as ________. A) tag clouds B) podcasts C) folksonomies D) geospatial metadata E) microblogs 21) Which of the following statements is true about social bookmarking? A) It is the distribution of digital media. B) It allows netcasters to publish and push current shows to the watchers/listeners. C) It allows people to communicate using avatars. D) It allows users to create folksonomies. E) It allows users to post short status updates. 22) ________ is the creation of a categorization system by users. A) Social cataloging B) Podcasting C) Social blogging D) Netcasting E) Crowdsourcing 23) ________ refers to manually adding metadata to media or other content. A) Phishing B) Tagging C) Crowdsourcing D) Podcasting E) Netcasting 24) Which of the following statements is true about tagging? A) It is the rocess of creating a categorization systems by users. B) It is the process of distributing digital media for playback on digital media players. C) It is the process of adding metadata to pieces of information. D) It is the process of of creating avatars and syndication feeds. E) It is the process of creating an online text diary. 25) ________ refer(s) to a way of visualizing user generated tags or c ontent on a site. A) Crowdsourcing B) Tag clouds C) Phishing D) Podcasting E) Pharming 26) Which of the following is one of the uses of geotagging? A) to use avatars while chatting online B) to create categorization systems for social cataloging C) to know the location of a person sending out a breaking news update D) to create folksonomies for social bookmarking E) to use syndicate feeds while sharing media 27) Which of the following is an example of synchronous communication? A) online reviews B) work flow automation systems C) intranets D) videoconferencing E) collaborative writing tools 28) Which of the following is an example of asynchronous communication? A) group calendars B) videoconferencing C) online chatting D) shared whiteboards E) electronic meeting support system 29) Which of following factors differentiates asynchronous communication from ynchronous communication? A) language B) network speed C) coordination in time D) expertise E) distance 30) In todays business environment, project teams comprise highly specialized members, many of whom are not colocated. ________ are comprised of members from different geographic areas. A) Work groups B) Virtual teams C) Work teams D) Task forces E) Command groups 31) Which of the following is an electronic communication tool that allows users to files, documents, and pictures to each other and share information? A) e-mail B) instant messaging C) application sharing D) electronic calendars E) knowledge management systems 2) Which of the following is an electronic conferencing tool that facilitates information sharing and rich interactions between users? A) e-mail B) wikis C) blogs D) instant messaging E) online document systems 33) Which of the following is a collaboration management tool that is used to facilitate virtual or colocated meetings ? A) Internet forums B) videoconferencing C) wikis D) fax E) intranets 34) Web-based collaboration tools ________. A) allow for easy transferability from one person to another B) have well-documented procedures for system complexities C) reduce the risk of exposing sensitive corporate data D) require users to frequently upgrade their software E) are complex and time-consuming to learn 35) Which of the following statements is true about Gmail? A) It is an enterprise-level collaboration tool that allows users to create group Web sites and share team information. B) It allows users to select a custom domain name for an additional fee. C) It allows users to share events and subscribe to public calendars for new events. D) It is an instant messaging client. E) It is an online office suite comprised of a spreadsheet application, a word processor, and a presentation application. 6) Which of the following Google Apps is an instant messaging client? A) Gmail B) Google Calendar C) Google Talk D) Google Sites E) Google Docs 37) ________ is an online office suite comprised of a spreadsheet application, a word processor, and a presentation application. A) Gmail B) Google Talk C) Google Sites D) Google Calendar E) Google Docs 38) Which of the following statements is true about Googl e Sites? A) It is an enterprise-level collaboration tool that allows users to create group Web sites and share team information. B) It allows users to select a custom domain name for an additional fee. C) It allows users to share events and subscribe to public calendars for new events. D) It is an instant messaging client. E) It is an online office suite comprised of a spreadsheet application, a word processor, and a presentation application. 39) A(n) ________ system allows users to publish, edit, version track, and retrieve digital information. A) social presence B) collective intelligence C) application sharing D) content management E) peer production 40) Which of the following statements is true about content management systems? A) It is the creation of goods or services by self-organizing communities. B) The creation of the goods or services is dependent on the incremental contributions of the participants. C) It allows the assignment of different roles for different users. D) Anyone can help in producing or improving the final outcome. E) It is a family of syndication feeds used to publish the most current blogs, podcasts, videos, and news stories. 41) Which of the following is the responsibility of an administrator in a content management system? A) editing the content into a final form B) managing account access levels to the digital information C) sharing team information D) publishing new information E) creating database applications 42) ________ is the creation of goods or services by self-organizing communities. A) Peer production B) A folksonomy C) Creative commons D) Groupware E) Social software 43) Which of the following statements is true about peer production? A) The creator is responsible for publishing new information. B) Only editors have the right to develop new content. C) It is also known as enterprise content systems. D) Anyone can help in producing or improving the final outcome. E) The guest is a person who can only view the digital information. 44) Which of the following occurs during wiki wars? A) editors do not agree with the creators of the content B) participants debate on a particular topic before creation C) administrators refuse to publish a creators content D) guests edit the creators content without permission E) contributors continuously edit or delete each others posts 45) ________ is a phenomenon where companies use everyday people as a cheap labor force. A) Nearshoring B) Phishing C) Crowdsourcing D) Narrowcasting E) Pharming 46) ________ enables people to work in more flexible ways on a variety of Internet-related projects. A) E-filing B) E-auction C) E-tailing D) E-lancing E) E-timing 47) ________ sites create social online communities where individuals with a broad and diverse set of interests meet and collaborate. A) Crowdsourcing B) Social cataloging C) Social networking D) Social bookmarking E) Media sharing 48) Which of the following statements is true about viral marketing? A) It uses the network effect to increase brand awareness. B) It uses everyday people as a cheap labor force. C) It is the dissemination of information to a narrow audience. D) It enables people to work in more flexible ways on a variety of Internet-related projects. E) It is used to market a product without the audience realizing it. 49) Which of the following is a critical factor in the success of a viral marketing campaign? A) restricting access to viral content B) doing what the audience expects C) making sequels D) restricting easy distribution E) distributing products for free 50) ________ attempts to provide relevant search results by including content from blogs and microblogging services. A) Social search B) OpenSearch C) Enterprise search D) Metasearch E) Netsearch 51) Which of the following statements is true about Real Simple Syndication (RSS)? A) It is used to increase brand awareness through the network effect. B) It is used to disseminate information to a narrow audience. C) It is used to market the product without the audience realizing it. D) It is used to enable people to work in more flexible ways on a variety of Internet-related projects. E) It is used to publish the most current blogs, podcasts, videos, and news stories. 52) For companies operating in the digital world, online collaboration with suppliers, business partners, and customers is crucial to being successful. ________ allow(s) data to be accessed without intimate knowledge of other rganizations systems, enabling machine-to-machine interaction over the Internet. A) Web services B) Widgets C) RSS feeds D) Social search E) Peer production 53) Android is a Web service hosted by Google to ________. A) create customized search features B) build mobile phone applications C) manage personal calendars D) integrate Googles mapping system into Web sites E) allow us ers to build applications that work with multiple social communities 54) Which of the following statements is true about widgets? A) They can be placed on a desktop, but cannot be integrated into a Web page. B) They can integrate two or more Web services. C) They are created by the integration of Web services and mashups. D) They are small interactive tools used for a single purpose. E) They can be integrated into a Web page, but cannot be placed on a desktop. 55) Together, Web services and widgets enable the creation of ________. A) protocols B) mashups C) codecs D) folksonomies E) tag clouds 56) Which of the following statements is true about a mashup? A) It is a small interactive tool used for a single purpose. B) It is used to increase brand awareness through the network effect. C) It is the process of allowing companies to use everyday people as a cheap labor force. D) It is used to disseminate information to a narrow audience. E) It is an application or a Web site that integrates one or more Web services. 57) Which of the following is a reason for the development of semantic Web? A) Web pages can be understood by people but not by computers. B) Users should be able to use any device in any network for any service. C) Users give a lot of unnecessary personal information to social networking sites. D) Widgets cannot be integrated into Web pages. E) Users are skeptical while making purchases online due to the fear of getting cheated. 58) Which of the followings is NOT true about an Enterprise 2. strategy? A) Web 2. 0 sites base their success on user-driven self-expression. B) Enterprise 2. 0 applications are not suited to traditional top-down organizational structures. C) Enterprise 2. 0 applications should be driven by a specific usage context. D) Organization-wide Enterprise 2. 0 implementations typically need changes in terms of organizational culture. E) Within organizations, the critical mass needed for an Enterprise 2. 0 application is often easily achieved. 59) Enterprise 2. 0 is likely to fail if ________. A) an organizations workforce is dominated by baby boomers B) an organization has a flat organizational hierarchy C) an organization emphasizes open communication D) an organizations workforce is dominated by millennials E) it is integrated well with an organizations existing information systems infrastructure Technology Briefing: Foundations of Information Systems Infrastructure Networks, the Internet, and Databases 68) ________ is a computer networking model in which multiple types of computers are networked together to share data and services. A) Centralized computing B) Mainframe computing C) Task computing D) Distributed computing E) Serial computing 9) A(n) ________ is a computer network that spans a relatively small area, allowing all computer users to connect with each other to share data and peripheral devices, such as printers. A) enterprise network B) wide area network C) campus area network D) local area network E) value-added network 70) A(n) ________ is a wide area network connecting disparate networks of a single organization into a single network. A) value-added network B) global network C) enterprise network D) local area network E) personal area network 71) ________ are private, third-party-managed medium-speed WANs that are shared by multiple organizations. A) Value-added networks B) Enterprise networks C) Global networks D) Local area networks E) Personal area networks 72) A(n) ________ is an emerging technology that uses wireless communication to exchange data between computing devices using short-range radio communication, typically within an area of 10 meters. A) value-added network B) local area network C) personal area network D) enterprise network E) campus area network 73) ________ are network services that include the storing, accessing, and delivering of text, binary, graphic, and digitized video and audio data across a network. A) Print services B) File services C) Message services D) Application services E) Software services 74) The high-speed central networks to which many smaller networks can be connected are known as ________. A) last-mile networks B) ISPs C) Internet exchange points D) private branch exchanges E) backbones 75) Which of the following wireless communication technologies uses high-frequency light waves to transmit data on an unobstructed path between nodes—computers or some other device such as a printer—on a network at a distance of up to 24. 4 meters? A) Bluetooth B) wireless LAN C) high-frequency radio D) infrared line of sight E) microwaves WLANs based on a family of standards called 802. 11 are also referred to as ________. A) Bluetooth B) wireless fidelity C) ethernet D) personal area networks E) infrared line of sight 77) Which of the following is a characteristic of terrestrial microwave communication? A) high attenuation B) speeds up to 16 Mbps C) low expense D) high susceptibility to eavesdropping E) low electromagnetic interference 78) ________ is the set of rules that governs how a given node or workstation gains access to the network to send or receive data. A) Media access control B) Logical link control C) Hypertext transfer protocol D) File transfer protocol E) Internet control message protocol 79) ________ is a commonly used method of random access control, in which each workstation listens to traffic on the transmission medium (either wired or wireless) to determine whether a message is being transmitted. A) Code division multiple access B) Carrier sense multiple access C) Hybrid coordination function D) Group packet radio service E) Point coordination function 80) In a(n) ________ network all nodes or workstations are connected to a central hub, or concentrator, through which all messages pass. A) ring B) bus C) star D) mesh E) tree 81) Which of the following network topologies is capable of covering the largest distance? A) star network B) bus network C) ring network D) mesh network E) tree network 82) Which of the following statements is true of a bus network topology? A) A bus network has the most complex wiring layout. B) Extending a bus network is more difficult to achieve than it is for other topologies. C) A bus network topology enables all network nodes to receive the same message through the network cable at the same time. D) The configuration of bus networks facilitates easy diagnosis and isolation of network faults. E) In a bus network, every computer and device is connected to every other computer and device. 83) As per the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, which of the following layers defines the way data is formatted, converted, and encoded? A) application layer B) transport layer C) presentation layer D) data link layer E) session layer 84) According to the OSI model, the ________ layer defines the protocols for structuring messages. A) physical B) session C) transport D) data link E) network 5) According tot he OSI model, the physical layer defines ________. A) the protocols for data routing to ensure that data arrives at the correct destination B) the way data is formatted, converted, and encoded C) the mechanism for communicating with the transmission media and interface hardware D) the way that application programs such as electronic mail interact with the network E) the protocols fo r structuring messages 86) A ________ is a device that converts digital signals from a computer into analog signals so that telephone lines may be used as a transmission medium to send and receive electronic data. A) modem B) LAN card C) network adapter D) PCI connector E) USB port 87) A ________ is a PC expansion board that plugs into a computer so that it can be connected to a network. A) transceiver B) multiport repeater C) cable router D) network interface card E) modular connector 88) A(n) ________ is a piece of networking hardware that manages multiple access points and can be used to manage transmission power and channel allocation to establish desired coverage throughout a building and minimize interference between individual access points. A) router B) wireless controller C) network switch D) modem E) network interface card 89) Which of the following entities is responsible for managing global and country code top-level domains, as well as global IP number space assignments? A) American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) B) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) C) Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) D) Internet Governance Forum (IGF) E) European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) 90) Which of the following Internet connectivity technologies enables data to be sent over existing copper telephone lines by sending digital pulses in the high-frequency area of telephone wires? A) integrated services digital network technology B) digital subscriber line technology C) dial-up service technology D) cable modem technology E) fiber to the home technology 91) Computers working as servers on the Internet are known as ________. A) network adapters B) modems C) network switches D) Ethernet hubs E) Internet hosts 92) A(n) ________ is a unique identifier that should be created and used when designing a database for each type of entity, in order to store and retrieve data accurately. A) foreign key B) surrogate key C) primary key D) superkey E) candidate key 93) In which of the following database models does the DBMS view and present entities as two-dimensional tables, with records as rows, and attributes as columns? A) relational database model B) hierarchical database model C) network database model D) object-oriented database model E) semantic database model 94) ________ is a technique to make complex databases more efficient and more easily handled by the DBMS. A) Assertion B) Exception handling C) Normalization D) Model elimination E) Structural induction

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Speech fear of the unknown free essay sample

When we were young, how many of us were afraid of monsters? Many of us, if not all, were once afraid of the monsters that were hiding in our closets, under our beds, or waiting in the attic. Maybe many of us still are. Parents would sometimes use this fear to their advantages. They would make us clean our rooms or do our homework, but If we did not, they tell us that the boogieman would come find us at night. The fear of the unknown is an excellent weapon to be used to gain ultimate power over others; many of us have experienced It, or even used It.In the Webster dictionary, It states that xenophobia Is the fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners. This fear and hatred acts as a weapon because people tend to fear what they do not understand or know. They try to Ignore the problem and think It will go away. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech: fear of the unknown or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the early 19005, many Canadians were xenophobic. They placed a head tax over the Chinese and let only a certain amount of them come Into Canada each year. They were afraid that the Chinese would take over their culture. However, as years passed, Canadians have come to understand different cultures and religions, and accepted people for who they were.Fear is experienced by everyone on a daily basis. Some people may fear getting to school late because of traffic, doing something wrong at work and getting in trouble with their boss, or some even getting in trouble with their wives. Hopefully no one here has had to experience with that yet. However, in places like Africa or the countries of the middle-east, people there experience a different kind of fear. A primal fear for their own survival; at any minute their lives could end, terminated suddenly without warning or notice. This fear they are experiencing is of the future.What happens now can be very different from what happens tomorrow. Soldiers in general, are controlled by this fear to fight. They fight to live for the next day and the day after. Everyone has experienced fear. Even as a child, fear was part of our daily lives. It Is always part of us and we can never control it. The fear of the unknown can be used as weapon to gain ultimate power over others. This is used in the cases of xenophobia and war. A great man by the name of Franklin Roosevelt once said, The only thing we have to fear is fear Itself.Speech: fear of the unknown By ran UT if we did not, they tell us that the boogieman would come find us at night. The others; many of us have experienced it, or even used it. In the Webster dictionary, it states that xenophobia is the fear and hatred of to fear what they do not understand or know. They try to ignore the problem and think it will go away. In the early asses, many Canadians were xenophobic. They placed a head tax over the Chinese and let only a certain amount of them come into Everyone has experienced fear. Even as a child, fear was part of our daily lives. It is only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Compare the Muslim Hajj with the Jewish Yom Kippur Essays - Hajj

Compare the Muslim Hajj with the Jewish Yom Kippur Essays - Hajj Compare the Muslim Hajj with the Jewish Yom Kippur September 08, 2014 Andre Key Module #4 Writing Assignment 3 Question: "Compare the Muslim Hajj with the Jewish Yom Kippur." Once a year, Muslims of every ethnic group, colour, social status, and culture gather together in Mecca and stand before the Kaaba praising Allah together. It is a ritual that is designed to promote the bonds of Islamic brotherhood and sisterhood by showing that everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah. The Hajj makes Muslims feel real importance of life here on earth, and the afterlife, by stripping away all markers of social status, wealth, and pride. In the Hajj all are truly equal. The Hajjis or pilgrims wear simple white clothes called Ihram. During the Hajj the Pilgrims perform acts of worship and they renew their sense of purpose in the world. Mecca is a place that is holy to all Muslims. It is so holy that no non-Muslim is allowed to enter. For Muslims, the Hajj is the fifth and final pillar of Islam. It occurs in the month of Dhul Hijjah which is the twelfth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is the journey that every sane adult Muslim must undertake at least once in their lives if they can afford it and are physically able. gathered travel from Makkah to Mina, a small village east of the city. There they spend the day and night in enormous tent cities, praying, reading the Quran, and resting for the next day. On the second day of the pilgrimage, the pilgrims leave Mina just after dawn to travel to the Plain of Arafat for the culminating experience of the Hajj. On what is known as the "Day of Arafat, the pilgrims spend the entire day standing (or sitting) near the Mount of Mercy, asking Allah for forgiveness and making supplications. Muslims around the world who are not at the pilgrimage join them in spirit by fasting for the day. After sunset on the Day of Arafat, the pilgrims leave and travel to a nearby open plain called Muzdalifah, roughly halfway between Arafat and Mina. There they spend the night praying, and collecting small stone pebbles to be used the following day. On the third day, the pilgrims move before sunrise, this time back to Mina. Here they throw their stone pebbles at pillars that represent the temptations of Satan. When throwing the stones, the pilgrims recall the story of Satans attempt to dissuade Prophet Abraham from following Gods command to sacrifice his son. The stones represent Abrahams rejection of Satan and the firmness of his faith.After casting the pebbles, most pilgrims slaughter an animal (often a sheep or a goat) and give away the meat to the poor. This is a symbolic act that shows their willingness to part with something that is precious to them, just as the Prophet Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son at Gods command. Throughout the world, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice, on this day. This is the second of the two major holidays in Islam each year. The pilgrims then return to Makkah and perform seven tawaf, turns around the Kaaba, the house of worship built by Prophet Abraham and his son. In other rites, the pilgrims pray near a place On the first official day of the pilgrimage, the millions of pilgrims that have now called The Station of Abraham, which is reportedly where Abraham stood while constructing the Kaaba. The pilgrims also walk seven times between two small hills near the Kaaba (and enclosed in the Grand Mosques complex). This is done in remembrance of the plight of Abrahams wife Hajar, who desperately searched in the area for water for herself and her son, before a spring welled up in the desert for her. The pilgrims also drink from this ancient spring, known as Zamzam, which continues to flow today. In the days and weeks after Hajj, many Muslims take advantage of their travel time by visiting the city of Madinah, 270 miles north of Makkah. The people of Madinah provided refuge to the early Muslim community, when they were being persecuted by the powerful Makkan tribes. Madinah became a center for the

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Nurse-patient Ratio Mandates for the Hospital Research Paper

Comparative Analysis of Nurse-patient Ratio Mandates for the Hospital Setting - Research Paper Example Legislation has passed in California, and will be presented in other states to mandate a specific ratio of nurses per patient that must be maintained at all times. The goal of this study is to identify a balance between adequate levels of nurse-personnel while maintaining hospital efficiency both in terms of cost, and the time-resources of medical professionals. A Comparative Analysis of Nurse-Patient Ratio Mandates For the Hospital Setting INTRODUCTION The possibility of nursing shortages is a relevant concern for hospitalists, patients, and the general public alike. Years past have produced numerous concerns of under-staffed, overburdened hospitals as a barrier to adequate care. This paper will endeavor to examine the conventional wisdom that more patient responsibility will yield lower quality care from nurses and other healthcare professionals; and the extent to which such a decline in patient outcome can be quantified. But is is true that patients will receive better care, with fewer medical errors under a system of precise nurse-patient ratios? Are nurses doing a better job under such a system? How would such a change extend to doctors and other medical practitioners? Over a dozen states are now considering some form of mandate that will enforce specific ratios of nurses for every patient under the hospital's care, it is worthwhile to examine critically the available research on the balance between caregiver and patient. It is in the interest of everyone to seek the ideal balance between nurse staffing levels and the cost-effective management of the time-resources of medical professionals. CASE STUDY â€Å" Celeste examined the patient's chart; she had to remind herself that Mr. McGillicuddy wasn't just a disease; he was a case of full-blown nephrotic syndrome; based on the protein-cysts found in his urinalysis, plus a chronic case of trigeminal neuralgia on top of that. Oh, and a living. breathing person. But with his age and prognosis, personhood would n't cut much slack with the transplant committees. The experienced Nurse was not optimistic that he would retain his living status much longer; in part because the very lab results that Celeste found so damning took as long as they did to arrive; compounding the bad news they were reporting. On the one hand, in preparation for the new regulations mandating more nurses for every medical center in the county, patients would get more attention from nurses like her; the problem being – a hospital as small as hers had to cut corners somewhere; so they'd hadn't been able to hire that new med-tech they'd been needing for months now. So the doctors were probably lucky to get their results as soon as they did – as late as it seemed to her. But adding more nurses was about to be required by law; not something she could whine about to the head-nurse. She patted Mr. McGillicuddy's hand in reassurance. Well, it would fall to her – and the new blood they were hiring to pick u p the slack; make up for the corners cut...† PROS More nurses equals better care; in order to ensure the best possible patient outcomes during hospitalization, nurse-to-patient ratios must be mandated by law. The correct ratio will lead to happier nurses, and healthier patients. It seems an obvious solution; more nurses certainly can't hurt, More eyes to watch over